Chapter 47

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~~~Hey! I watched two weird movies. One was insidious. I loved how they played tip toe thru the tulips whenever the demon came. And the other one... Well, whoever guesses right, I’ll dedicate my next chapter to you. Here’s a hint. (A line from the movie)

One bright day in the middle of the night
Two dead boys stood up to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other
A deaf policeman heard the noise
And he came and killed those two dead boys.

Okay! Whoever knows what movie that’s from, you’ll be seeing your username at the top of the next chapter!~~~


I was standing at the edge of a forest, watching the muggles pass by, and when one stopped to ask if I needed help, I quickly kill them to silence them. I didn't need attention drawn to us.

When no one was coming, I turned and nodded to the centaur, whose name was Gutrune, behind me. He shot off in front of me with a little bundle on his back, going just slow enough so Voldemort wouldn’t fall. I watched as they left, and saw that Voldemort wasn’t as considerate as me. If there was anyone in sight, they were dead.

Gutrune finally stopped when he was at a little cabin-looking place. I walked slowly behind him, making sure there was no one else. They stopped right outside of the house, and I took the lead again, and I broke into the house.

I quickly entered and killed the people inside. I waved my wand and their bodies moved to the fire. There was only a couple there, and they didn’t have a chance.

I headed back to the front door. “All clear.” I told them and took Voldemort in my arms. I took out my wand and summoned a chair. I set him down on the chair and knelt down in front of him.

“You did well, Potter.” he told me and I smiled slightly.

“My lord, do I have to put the boarders around the place, or is the centaur going to guard it for now?”

He looked over at Gutrune. He was looking away, but I knew he was listening. “Let the centaur guard for now. This place will do. Leave me.”

I nodded and walked back to Gutrune. We left the room and stopped in what looked to be the kitchen.

“You must be tired, witch, walking for that long.” I shrugged and looked through the fridge. Nothing good in there.

“Stupid muggles. They don’t have any food.”

I sat on the counter, and Gutrune frowned at me. “Doesn’t it bother you? Just killing people like that?”

I shrugged, looking anywhere but his face. “I don’t know any of these people. I guess it would be harder if I knew them personally.”

He nodded and looked through the window. “I wonder if you can see the stars here." He glanced at me, scowling. "I won’t be able to go back to the forest until tomorrow. You’re lucky. You just come and go as you please.”

I smiled and looked through the window also. There was no one outside. I turned back to the fridge and looked around the cabinets. I only found one thing that looked good enough to eat. A bag of chips. I just left them, though. Gutrune looked back at me and shook his head.

“What is it?”

He looked me up and down and sighed. “There are a lot of dead people out there, Potter. And it’s your fault.”

*End of Dream*

I sat back in the chair and looked up at the ceiling. I hated Occlumency, but reliving the dream wasn’t much better. Sev looked troubled and only watched Dumbledore. “Sir, what are we supposed to do about this?” I asked. My voice cracked, but I really didn’t care right now. The sight of me killing people without a second thought freaked me out. Sev finally looked at me, but the pain in his eyes made me turn away.

Dumbledore turned to me. “Olivia, you may return to your dormitory.” He said quietly and looked back to Sev. I got up slowly and left the room. But I didn’t go straight to the common room. I needed to talk to Sirius before I did anything else.

George’s POV

The next morning at breakfast, Olivia looked really tired. She sat at the end of her table and laid her head on the table. She didn’t even reach for food. Once breakfast was over, I quickly walked over to her.

When I got to her, I put my arm around her and lead her to the lake. Once we got there, I sat on the ground and she sat in my lap. “Is everything alright?” I asked and moved some of her hair behind her ear. She shrugged and looked over the water.

“I had another dream.” she said quietly. “They’re really freaking me out. I don’t know how to stop them.” She looked up at me with sadness clear in her eyes.

“Is that why you’re tired? Because you don’t want to have another dream?” I asked. She looked away and nodded slowly. I moved her so she was sitting on the ground next to me. “You need to sleep. I’ll be right here if you start to have a bad dream. If I see you start to freak out, I’ll wake you up, okay?” She nodded, lying down. She closed her eyes, and I could tell she was out in a few seconds. I messed with her hair and she smiled faintly.

“Why is she so tired?” I turned quickly and saw Harry standing there. “I noticed that she was struggling to stay awake during breakfast.” He sat on the other side of Olivia, and I smiled when she moved closer to me and farther away from him.

I chuckled and saw that Harry was looking toward Hagrid’s hut. He looked frustrated. “What’s the matter, Harry?”

He looked back to me and sighed. “Buckbeak will be executed on June 6.” he said quietly. I looked over and saw her sitting next to his hut.

“It’s alright. Hagrid’ll think of something. He has three months. Who made the decision to kill her?”

Harry glared to the castle and clenched his hands into fists. “Mr. Lucius Malfoy. He complained to the minister that she was a very dangerous animal because Malfoy was too stupid to listen to Hagrid and got attacked.” He shook his head and looked out over the lake. “So why is Olivia so tired?” he asked a few minutes later and looked down at her.

“She didn’t sleep well last night. Bad dream.” He nodded and looked back to the castle. I turned to see Ron and Hermione coming toward us. They sat next to Harry and started to talk about who-knows-what. I wasn’t really paying attention, until I heard them say Sirius’ name. I started to listen a little more, and I finally asked the question. “Why are you talking about Black?” I asked.

They all turned to look at me, and immediately stopped talking. After an awkward silence, Hermione seemed to just then notice Olivia. “Why is Olivia asleep?” she asked and tapped her on the shoulder. Olivia didn’t move. She was out of it.

“She’s tired.” I said shortly and messed with the grass around my feet. After a few more minutes, the three of them went back to the castle, leaving me alone with Olivia again.

“How long was Harry and Hermione here?” Olivia asked without opening her eyes. It startled me and I didn’t answer right away. She cracked her eye opened and smiled at me. “As nice as this is, I don’t think I can sleep here for awhile.” she said and sat up. I only shrugged and looked back to the castle. “I think I’m gonna go back to the dormitory.” She stood up and I was right behind her.

“I’ll walk you to your common room.” I offered, but she shook her head.

“That won’t be necessary.” she told me with a smile. She leaned up, kissed me, and left quickly, hurrying to the castle.

Olivia Potter *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now