Chapter 14

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The funeral was the worse. Every person that meant something to Rose or Rose meant something to them came out. People I didn't even know. Once it was over I dragged myself to the house I grew up in, Rose's house to look over the stuff. Rose had planned everything. Someone had packed her house. Leaving out the stuff I would want. I went in her room and found a letter.

~My Dear Drew, 

I love you with all my heart. You will have a happy life I love Maria she will be strong for you I know it. I will see your baby even if the living me doesn't see him or her I will still see your baby. Take care of my Mika. He loves you. He has a trust fund and so do you. I got his when I found out I was pregnant. It will be released to him when he's 18. Yours will be released 2 months after my death. Don't forget me. Don't morn. I was ready to die. I was in pain and unhappy. The only happiness I had was my family. You will be happy. Pass on the love for me to you baby. I love you Drew. We will meet again. 



I held that note to my chest and thought of my sister. I loved her and listen to what she told me. I walked outside to the car and went home. Mika was upstairs watching TV. I walked into the baby room that only had a crib, dresser, changing table, rocking chair, and swing in it. Maria was excited to decorate it. I walked into our room striping out of my suit. Maria was lying on the bed in her underwear rubbing her stomach. I came and laid my head on her stomach.  

"Are you ok," she asked stroking my hair. 

"Yes I think I'm going to be fine," I said listening to the baby. 

"I think I want to name the baby Nia Rose,” she said throwing me off. I liked the name. In fact a loved the name. 

"I like it,  

I fell asleep on her stomach. When I woke up the next morning the bed was empty. I got up to find my wife cooking. Mika sat there eating bacon and eggs. I walked up behind Maria and kissed her, rubbing her stomach.  

"Good morning handsome," she said fixing a plate of food.  

"Morning love," I said as she handed me the plate and pointed to the table telling me to sit. I ate in peace. Mika was adjusting well to everything. 

"Do you want to play sports MikMik," Maria asked Mika. 

"Yes can I do football,” he said happily. 

"Yes anything you want."

Mika ran out the dining room to his room. Maria got up and started cleaning. I watched her wobble around. She looked sexy pregnant. I couldn't wait to see my daughter. This was my new family.

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