Life of a Malfoy ch. 12

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Harry's P.O.V.


"Well you see, Harry.. We were deciding if it would be a good idea to look around the castle for.... For.. Lexa.." Hermione said, seeming to have forgotten Lexa's name.


"We're sorry about arguing.." 

Hermione and Ron had followed me back to the common room after I ran out in Potions, but what they didn't know is that I didn't want to talk to them. I was worried about Lexa. 

No, that doesn't mean I missed her and wanted to save her life if Draco Malfoy was attacking her. 

It just means that I would be a good friend and lend her a hand if she needed it, you know?

No, I didn't love her. Stop jumping to conclusions.

"So where do we start?" I folded my hands across my chest and leaned back on the chair.

"Ron and I were thinking that we could split up.. You could check McGonagall's office, Ron could check the Great Hall, and I could check the Room of Requirement." Hermione said.

"Why the Room of Requirement?" 

"Wasn't she hiding there before? What if she went back there?" Her expression went confused, then normal. "Besides, if we're going to find her, we have to look everywhere." 

"I guess you're right." 

So then we split up and went to the places where Hermione wanted us to go.

I walked down the moving staircases to the first floor and through a portrait shortcut. Walking down a couple corridors, I quickly found McGonagalls office. 

I knocked on the door.

People were shouting inside, and instantly went quiet. 

I knocked again.

There were footsteps. 

"Get the door," a voice said from the inside. I pulled out my wand as an extra precaution.

"What, afraid its Dumbledore coming to kick you out?" a recognizable voice said.

"Just get the door before I force you to," the first voice hissed. There were more footsteps, but the footsteps were lighter than the one's before. 

I had a stunning spell at the tip of my tongue as the door slowly opened, but I had no reason to use one. 

It was Lexa at the doorway.

"Harry?" she said, her eyes wide. 

"Bring him in here, and lock the door again before I kill both of you," the hissing voice said. Lexa stared at me for a few seconds, her eyes wide with fear. 

"Now!!" the person shouted.

I felt a strong arm grab me and push me down on the ground. The door slammed and was locked again. 

"Who, what..?" I turned to Lexa for an answer. She just kept her mouth shut and shook her head. 

I looked at the person feet away from her. A girl, no. Not girl. More like young women... Well.. I don't know how to explain the person. She was tall, brunette, and there was something weird about her voice. She looked scary and frightening. 

"Who are you?" I said, not afraid of her.

"My name is Ariel." Her accent was American; that's why she sounded different.

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