"Are you just going to stand there and check me out all day? Because if you are please come up to my room, so I can sleep too." He said, making my thoughts disappear and my head shoot upwards.

"Still the same lazy fuck I remember."I chuckled.

He looked confused for a second, but then his eye's bulged in realization. "Vi..lot?"

"Hey Aid." I smiled and he pulled me into a bone crushing embrace. The hug felt nice and right to be in his arms again, even though it was tight. He felt warm and cuddly. Also his scent was oddly intoxicating, even though he hadn't showered yet.

"Fuck, i've missed you so much." He told me and held me tighter.

"Me too!" I replied. I never realized how much I missed him, until he was stood in front of me. I missed his hugs, the way he laughed, everything.

"How's it been?" He asked.

"Good, how about you?" I said.

"Umm, better." He responded, honestly. "Wanna come inside?"

"Yeah, sure."

We both stepped inside his house and proceeded into the kitchen. It looked no different than the time I last saw it, apart from a few new appliances. The counter top was a snow white color. And the appliances, black. Some of the cupboards had staining underneath, most probably caused by steam and the nicotine from their cigarettes. A few plated were piled up, ready to be cleaned. And one of the draws hanging off partially.

"Sorry about the mess." He apologized.

"It's not even messy." I lied. It was a junkyard compared to how immaculate boarding school was. Every floor was swept and moped everyday. The carpets were also cleaned everyday and steamed twice a week. Skirting's and other things, dusted and polished regularly. There was no dirt in sight. I wish he could've experienced it with me. Then maybe he would've changed like I have.

"Well it is. So let's go sit in there." He chuckled slightly, then we proceeded to his family room. We sat on couches, that were opposite to each other. Then we feel into an uncomfortable silence.

"So... How was boarding school?" He asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"It's been splendid actually. I've became friends with so many exceptional people and inspirational people. Also i've learnt so much more and i'm more knowledgeable than I ever w-"

"Sorry for interrupting you. But I honestly don't know what the fuck you're saying." He blurted out, honestly.

"It has been really good and i've met some smart people. And I have learn't a lot." I re-phrased my words, so that he could comprehend.

"Okay, now I understand. But I have a question." He said, looking weary about what he was going to say.

"Ask away." I grinned, un-certain of what the question was going to be.

"I don't mean to sound rude here, but what the actual fuck happened to you? Your words are so different I cant even understand you. You've slightly caught a British accent, which is so weird. And you look un-comfortable as hell, like you don't even want to be here. What's on Vi? You ain't the chick I knew, so what's happened?" He ranted and I understood his mild out-burst.

"To answer your first question, I grew up." I started. "Secondly, I apologize that I speak different Aiden. But that's what happens when you open your vocabulary. Third, I'm sorry i'm not a hood rat anymore. Because I learnt there is better ways than letting drugs and alcohol lead your life." I finished, getting slightly offensive towards the end. In which I immediately regretted.

"Well i'm sorry my life choice ain't up to your fucking standers princess. But that's my life. I'll be straight with you, it's shit. It's real fucking shit. I have to go do the same shit everyday though to make sure my family's straight. And the kids out there don't live how we did." He shouted at me. "You remember Luca?"

I had to think for a second, then remembered a boy who was a couple years younger than us. I also thought about how we used to keep him out of trouble, even though he was too young to understand what a life of crime could lead too. More and more memories kept flooding back as I thought deeper. But inside of thinking and uncovering more harsh memories, I replied. "Yes, what about him?"

"I found him hanging around on the streets last night at 3am . Him and his friends had just stole some shit . So instead of them doing it again, I gave them a hundred dollars each so they wouldn't have too. So before you judge me on how I do my shit, and make a living. Remember that. Cause hopefully now they're going to come to me, instead of becoming me." He told me and I started to feel guilty for judging him. He was doing good deeds, even if how he managed to do them was bad.

"I'm..sorry.." I apologized.

"Oh now you're sorry? For what exactly Vi. Sorry how you judged me for surviving? Or changing your whole damn personality for some up-tight British kids? Or maybe you're sorry for leaving me for five fucking years! No letters, or visits home!" He yelled and tears started to brim in my eyes. I was trying not to be effected by his harsh words, but it was too late. A small tear trickled down my cheek. He noticed it and I thought he would calm down, but it only made his anger worse.

"You want me to feel sorry for you?" He laughed bitterly. "No way in hell is that happening; Did you feel sorry for me when I lost my best friend? Or when I got the shit kicked out of me, because beef she started?" He roared.

"I'm so sorry." I cried and apologized again, but I knew it wouldn't help anything. He was too angry at me to feel any other emotion. His reasons why were understandable. I expected it, just didn't know it was going to be this bad. Everything he was saying was true, it was undeniable. I just had to sit here and listen to every word, until he had gotten all of his rage out. But with every harsh word he yelled, another pain-filled tear would fall.

"Fuck your sorry's! And fuck you! Get out!" He screamed, making me jump. I obeyed his words. I didn't want to aggravate him anymore than my presents already had.

I stood up and wiped my tears. Then rushed to the exit. He stood there in shock, most probably wondering why I never argued back. But that just wasn't me anymore. I've changed and with the way he just exploded art me it proved, he had too.

I managed to hold back my tears until I reached my house and into my bedroom. Then let them all loose. I cried for hours, until no more could be released. All that was playing on my mind was his words.

I lost my best friend.

Fuck you! Get out!

He hated me. He well and truly hated me. I needed to make it up to him. But not today. Aiden always needed space after a big argument. So i'll let it die down before I go and speak with him. But for now I just needed to steer clear.

I hope I can make things right.


Hey guys!!

So what do you think about Aiden now? Was he wrong for shouting at her, or did he have a right too? Also what do you think of Violet? I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the many to come. Drop a comment of what you thought or inbox me it. I'd love to hear feedback.

Have a lovely day and night, seeya!! :)

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