6. Pick me up

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Mitch had gone out to a party today, but Scott decided to stay at home.
It was a party of a friend of Mitch who Scott didn't know that much, so he didn't want to get in between their friendship by always staying with Mitch.
He had only been gone for a few hours and Scott already kinda missed him. It was one of the moments in which he realized that Mitch was his life. He didn't want to watch Spongebob without him, he didn't want to do anything without him at all, so he basically just lay around in the living room. He watched a movie and kept starring at his phone.
It was 3am by now and Scott was wondering when his boyfriend would come home, usually he would be home by now. He decided to text him, being a bit worried.

Scott: when are you gonna be hom?

It took a few minutes until he got a text back.

Mitch: puck me yok ja Scott

Ah, okay. Scott smiled, he could already tell how drunk Mitch was, because whenever he was only tipsy, he could still text quite well.

Scott called Mitch, and when he picked up only a few seconds later, he instantly said "didureadmymessagewhenareyoucomingtopickmeup"
Scott laughed. He had guessed that that was what Mitch's text had been about. "Mitch, what's the adress?"
It was really close to their apartment, a ten minutes walk through a park nearby, so Scott decided to walk.

Mitch was waiting outside of the apartment the party had been in, and when he saw his boyfriend, he screamed in a really high pitched voice and ran towards Scott. He jumped on his arms which made Scott stumble back, but he did manage not to fall. He laughed and let Mitch down again, and they started walking together.
Mitch told Scott a story he had heard from someone at the party but Scott didn't quite listen, he paid more attention to Mitch's voice while he was talking, he was always so cute when he was drunk. He intertwined their fingers, walked and was happy.
After half of the way, Mitch suddenly yelled: "who is first at that tree" and started running. Scott was confused at first but then ran past his boyfriend, of course, he was way faster, Mitch was frank and smaller.
Arriving at the tree Mitch just lied down in the grass and looked at Scott, reaching towards him with both his arms. "Come to me Scotty please let's look at the stars." Scott sighed, but got next to Mitch.
"Look at this star, scooter, it looks just like you?"
Wow, Mitch as really drunk.
"In what way do I look like this Star, Mitch?"
"I don't know, it's just such a tiny dot, just like you!"
"I'm a tiny dot?"
"Yes Scott, yes you are."
Scott laughed and took his boyfriends hand again. Mitch rolled over Scott, looking directly into his face. "Mitch, you are blocking the view!"
"Bitch, I AM the view" he said, making Scott laugh again and pressing his lips onto Scott's.

A/N: hey, I hope you liked this one. It would be cool if you could leave comments to tell me what you like and what I could do better!

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