You Make Me Feel...Things

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Henry Danger One Shot
You Make Me Feel... Things

Henry rustled and thrashed about in bed, sweating profusely and kicking off his sheets. He was having a nightmare about the most mortifying moment of his recent past. He was at Charlotte's house earlier that evening when something horrifying happened.

Uh, Henry? Charlotte had said stiffly. Her words echoed loud and clear in his brain: Henry, -enry, -enry...

You have a little, uh...problem.

Henry shot up in bed, his heart beating out of his chest. He remembered the awful feeling of embarrassment - no, horror - from that moment.

Upset, he grabbed his pillow and flipped it to the cold side, clutching it to his body until it wasn't cold anymore. Then he threw it over the side of his bed and did the same with his covers.

He couldn't fall asleep again. It was a wonder how he did so in the first place; knowing that he had gotten a boner for his best friend was the most awkward thing to possibly happen. Even worse, she noticed, and she was the one who pointed it out to him.

He had a girlfriend, Bianca. Bianca was pretty and funny. She had a cute laugh. Why did he never get, well...aroused for her?

He turned on his side and sighed, hoping his friend would forgive him and understand.

It's just hormones, I swear! That's what he had said to her just before he ran off. He heard it from the school nurses and it was good enough  for him.

It's okay, I'm not mad, Charlotte had laughed. But he couldn't get it through his head.

Maybe she wasn't mad. Maybe she was just kind of flattered, Henry reasoned with himself. After all, he was a good looking kid, right?

His heart took off. He didn't know what to think or feel. But he'd have to figure it out by tomorrow.

After tossing and turning endlessly in bed, Charlotte finally resigned to get up. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of juice and sat down.

The rest of her family was asleep, but she couldn't get a second of shuteye. Not after what happened with Henry earlier that day.

Uh, Henry? Charlotte had said stiffly. Her words came out shakily, and she didn't know how else to put it, so she just said...

You have a little, uh...problem.

Was "little" a poor choice of words? Would that bruise his ego? That wasn't at all what she meant, but the whole event was just so awkward and cringe worthy.

But she was also kind of excited by it. She gave him that reaction. She could tell by how embarrassed he got afterwards; from what he said.

Then she felt jealousy. Had Bianca ever given him a hard-on? She hoped not. She wanted to have at least one thing on Bianca in the Henry department.

So what now? Charlotte thought as she took a sip of the drink in her hand. When she saw Henry at school and at work, should she just pretend it never happened?

She finished her juice, returned to her room, and nestled herself back into bed. She couldn't stay up all night, she needed her beauty sleep if she was going to face Henry tomorrow, confrontation or not.

Henry walked into school the next day on edge. He was jumping at everything - from when Jasper said hi and showed him his daily bucket, to when Oliver offered him a fruit bar, and when Bianca stopped by at their locker to say hey.

When he went to his locker after third period, he spotted none other than Charlotte standing at hers a few feet away. Her back was to him, but she closed her locker and turned around and -

"Henry..." She said quietly. She could barely look him in the eye, and he couldn't look at her properly either.

"Uh, hey, Charlotte."

Charlotte sighed. "Can we, uh, forget about yesterday? I don't want it to come between us... o-our friendship."

Henry nodded eagerly. "Totally, it's all behind us. Thanks, Char, you're the best."

They instinctively wrapped each other in a hug before Henry stiffened and realized that maybe Charlotte wouldn't want to be so close after... well, you know.

But Charlotte didn't let go. "Hen, promise me nothing will come between us."

Henry nodded and held her close to him. "I promise."

A/N: I hope you like this! I guess it's a little raunchy bc Henry's got some action in his pants (wow cringe) but I thought it was a cute idea. Tell me if you want a part 2? I'm kind of mad they didn't kiss but I just didn't see how to write it in lol. Well I'll stop blabbing now, deuces.

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