My Love is Blind: 23

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  • Dedicated to my patient readers

My Love is Blind: Chapter 23

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return." –Nat King Cole



Prince Aleksandr of Sovandara was balancing Jenny on his hip as they walked through the gardens of the palace. My sister is obviously on a high because a real life prince carrying her.

Meanwhile, I was sitting under a tree with Aria and her older sister and future queen, Althea. The Grenaldis were very welcoming ever since we arrived in their country two weeks ago. The royals themselves gave us a tour in their little island kingdom.

And it is spectacular, I thought to myself as I gazed at the forest surrounding the palace. Beyond that, I know, is the ocean. But I still don’t understand why it doesn’t seem to cheer up Luc. Apparently, nothing could ever get him out of the funk he’s in.

‘L…’ Aria started in a tone only meant for me. ‘Stop thinking for a while. Just enjoy now.’

I smiled a little and glanced at my friend. ‘Yes, yes. I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help it.’

Althea reach for one of my hands and squeezed it. ‘Everything is going to be fine.’ As she said this, her eyes drifted to Nikkos, her husband who was playing ball with James not too far from us. There was something sad at the way she looks at him, as if he was unreachable to her.

Maybe Princess Althea knows exactly how I feel. However, before I could dwell on it further, Luc strolled to where we were sitting and pulled me up to a standing position without saying a word.

‘Luc!’ I exclaimed. I tried to read his expression but I couldn’t get anything. ‘Is there something wrong? What happened?’

He brushed aside my question and said, ‘Nothing. I just need to talk to you.’ He peered over my shoulder to the two other ladies watching us with interest. ‘You princesses won’t mind if I steal my bride for a while, won’t you?’

Althea chuckled. ‘Of course not. Go.’ She replied.

Luc took my elbow and began to lead me back to the palace. ‘Luc, I wish you would tell me what’s happening. You’re making me nervous.’

‘I just need to ask you a couple of questions. That’s it and then you can go back to Aria and Althea.’ He told me as we climbed up the grand staircase going to our bedroom. When we reached the door to our room, he stepped back and allowed me to enter first.

I gasped when I saw what was inside.

There were flowers everywhere. Roses, tulips and half the flowers in the world in different colors. I spun back to look at where my husband was standing.

‘Do you like it?’ A smile was hovering on his lips.

‘Is that what you have to ask me?’ When he nodded, I moved away which puzzled him.

He didn’t answer me. ‘Don’t you like it?’ He asked, this time his question was paraphrased.

I glanced back at him. He was frowning now. ‘Is this for me?’

He loosed the top button of his shirt and dragged hand through his hair. ‘No, it’s not. It’s for another woman I’m planning to court.’ When I just raised my brow, he expelled an impatient sigh. ‘Of course it’s for you, querida! Who else?’

I tried to hide my grin. ‘What for? It’s not my birthday.’

He walked over to where I was standing and rubbed my arms. ‘Can’t I just do something nice for my wife?’ He sighed again when I didn’t say anything. ‘Fine, fine. You won’t let me get away with it easily, will you? I’m sorry.’ He wrapped his arms around and leaned his forehead against mine. ‘I’m sorry for being such a bad company the past two weeks.’ He brushed his lips against my cheek. ‘I’m sorry for not being attentive as I should be.’ Then the other. ‘I’m sorry for not being a good husband to you.’

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