Ch 8: Yay.

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Vega POV:

I opened my locker. only to have about 30 slips of paper fall out, all different hand writing, different types of paper, but all the same things.

There was a party after the fall fling.

A party at the Night's mansion.

A costume party. One that apparently required you to wear a costume, if you were a chick.

No skimping on the costume doing so means no party.

Translation: dress like a slut or you're not getting in the front doors.

I tossed the papers away. I wasn't even planning on going to the fall fling much less a party at a crime lords house that required me to dress like a baby prostitute.

Slamming my locker closed I stalked off.

Only to spot Wulf leaning against the lockers talking to some girl in overall shorts and big glasses.


She looked sort of terrified...but awestruck.

Ew, did she think that asshole was attractive?


Wulf looked up, his eyes instantly scanning me, everything from my bun down to my combat boots, taking long breaks over my chest and exposed thighs, "Hawaii."

"Assface." I looked to Amy, "We're gonna be late for english."

She flushed, "oh..right uhm...bye Wulf."

He smiled, "later sweetheart, remember what we talked about."

Amy nodded and watched Wulf walk away, a strange look in her eyes.

Oh hell no. that perv was not going to do whatever it was he was using Amy for.


She snapped out of her trance face turning red, "Vega...Can I ask you a favor?"

"whats up?"

"...Wulf is having this party at his house after the fall fling."

Oh no.


"Would you go with me?"

"Why would you want to go?"

She hesitated, "Well uh..He's been talking to me lately and he seems really cool. After I did that favor for him last weekend so you two could keep working on your project he started texting me." Flushing she looked away, "but...I'm not exactly invited to those parties nor do I have the looks to get in the front door. I'm...flat. But I noticed some people putting those papers in your locker. if you came with me I'm sure they would let me in and then I could talk to Wulf more."

...did she seriously buy the whole 'lie for me so we can do our project' thing he fed her?

Wouldn't Wulf just invite her himself if he was interested?

"Please Vega? I...I think maybe Wulf isn't as scary as everyone thinks I-"

"Are you fucking kidding me? his family murdered my mother!"

She flinched, "..That was his father not him, maybe I could you know help him I think he's lost.."

"Wulf isn't a puppy Amy. Hes a narcissistic asshole."

"Vega...I really like him"

I sighed, "Fine. Whatever I'll go to his stupid party with you."

She squealed and hugged me, "Will you help me look pretty, you always look so great!"

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