My two fathers - part 29

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Phil's POV
I watched as doctors and nurses swarmed over me. They gave me an oxygen mask and connected different tubes to my arms. I became more ill by the minute, waves of pain hitting me from my leg upwards and my head throbbing. I was dipping in and out of consciousness constantly as my whole being tried to fight it.

I could feel the poison as it came through my body. They tried operating on me when I got in to remove the tracker but it was no use. It was connected to all sorts of major veins and was lodged in between my bone. They bandaged it up and kept me in a room filled with monitors and computers. On one side of the room, there was a glass wall where the doctors stood behind taking notes. Then the other doctors kept checking in on me. It was torture. They couldn't do a thing to save me. We just had to wait...

Dans POV
I had an idea. It involved going behind my Dads back. He wouldn't like it. But I had to do it. I picked up my phone and rang him.

"I knew it wouldn't be long Dan Howell." Mr Smith answered.
"Where can I meet you?"
"I'll meet you in half an hour at the main services. Ask them to stop, make an excuse and meet us behind the trucks. Half an hour. Or you know what will happen."
"Okay." And I put down the phone.

"Dad?" I went back into the main room, keeping my head down and pretending that I had been crying.
"Oh Dan, its alright." He said, coming over to hug me. I sniffed a bit and made the sound of sobbing into his shoulder.
"Can we stop please? I want to stop Dad. Dry my tears and get to grips with what happened. I want some fresh air."
"Of course Dan, lets stop!" He turned to the front of the van and the driver nodded, turning into the services.

As we got out, Dad asked two men to come with me and accompany me to the toilets. They nodded and tried to keep close.
"I'm fine." I said and he let me go on, watching me until I turned the corner.

When I knew nobody could see me, I made my way to the trucks area and he was waiting for me. Both of them. Mr Smith nodded to me as I walked towards them. Chris looked and called someone behind me as something hard hit me on the head and I collapsed.

10 minutes later...

I blinked and opened my eyes and noticed I was sitting in the same chair I was the last time I was kidnapped. Mr Smith sat on his desk again in front of me, this time with Chris at his side.
"Welcome home." He said as I begin to struggle.
"You wanted to be here, what's the point of trying to get out?" Chris asked, smiling as he walked towards me.
"This is the trade. You've let Phil go right, he's safe? He's not in pain anymore..."
"" They both laughed.
"We thought it would be fun to leave him the way he is." They turned the laptop in front of them to face me. Phil was there from a live camera feed in the headquarters.

Shaking now on a hospital bed, Phil was beginning to cry. He was now unrecognisable, his face was now covered in veins and his hands were scratching his legs and arms. His leg was now a dark red colour and was bleeding through the bandage. The doctors were trying to pin him down but he was hitting them away, calling out for me. At first, he muttered it, but gradually, he became louder, screaming and screaming my name over and over...
"STOP!" I screamed, kicking the table and making the laptop smash on the floor. I made a move to grab them but a guard behind me restrained me back. I tried to move as Chris walked towards me, the same gun that he had earlier gripped in his hands, this time strong and not shaky. He had his target in sight. I waited for the gun shot to go off, my head turning to the side.
"Who's going to save you now? You're ours. Finally." He whispered, holding my chin to lift it up and face him.

"What do you want? Really?" I growled.
"We want money Dan. And lots of it. With you dead, who can stop us? We will take over the world with this amount of power! Your Dad will have to resign and the rest will have no choice but to join him. It's all over." I felt the cold gun end on my forehead as I shut my eyes: my whole day flashing before me in a whirlwind. What could I have done to prevent this? Told someone? Look how that turned out to be! I was a failure. They were better of killing me than me having to live with everyone depending on me. Phil was going to die. I wanted to join him.

There was a short pause. Nothing.
"Just do it already!" I shouted and looked back up at Chris. He held the gun in his hands but this time, he was shaking again. He had remembered PJ. The gun.

"Chris, listen to me, PJ wouldn't want you to do this? Let me go, we can help you. He was ... Your best friend wasn't he? Would he want you to kill? Listen to me Chris, put the gun down." I said, staring as he became more and more panicked by the minute.
"CHRIS KENDALL! SHOOT HIM!" Mr Smith shouted from his desk as he rose up and walked over to him. He took him by the shoulders and whispered in his ears.
"You know what happens to people who don't obey, right?" Chris tried to compose himself but it was too late. He had lost the one he loved and he knew he couldn't leave me to suffer the same thing. He lowered the gun and knelt down to me. In a low whisper, he said, " Phil is fine. The poison is draining out of him as we speak. Run."

But before anything happened, Dad and John burst through the doors and began to shoot. First the two men holding my back. My ears rung as John came and helped me up, aiming his gun at Chris. He looked scared and helpless. I needed to do something... But I didn't.

My two fathers- a phanficWhere stories live. Discover now