Chapter 8

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This is Arabella's ring! I LOVE  this ring! I think it's perfect for the story!(:

Ch. 8


“This is Lisa Maire and she is our new publicists.” My mother says nodding to a tall brooding lady with grey hair that was perfectly cut and was wearing a suit that was ironed so much you could probably cut yourself on the creases.

We- my parents, Demtri, Demtri’s parents, and I- were all sitting in a small living room waiting for the press to get here so we could start our press conference. I was bouncing my legs up and down where I was sitting because I was nervous, today would be the last day that I would ever be known as the single princes- from now on when everyone would think about me they would think of Demtri.

“Where’s our old publicist?” I asked, before we had a nice middle aged woman who actually understood me a little and I could tell she felt bad for me and I defiantly like her better than I would probably ever like Lisa Maire.

“I decided that a change would be good.” My mother shot me a glare telling me to not bring it up again.

I sighed but didn’t say anything else- my mother went through maids and servants like there was no tomorrow and it was really annoying!

“Ok today I want to cover two things that the press will definitely talk about at the press conference- Your engament and your birthday party tonight. Happy birthday by the way Arabella.” Lisa Maire said glancing at me quickly, “So first things first we need a plan.”

What was sad was that was the second happy birthday I had gotten so far today and it was almost two in the afternoon. And not only that but both of them sucked- Lisa Maire barley looked at me and when Demtri said happy birthday it was well interesting.

Yeah you heard right my parents hadn’t even said happy birthday, they talked about the party tonight but other than that you would think that they didn’t even know today was my birthday.

“Huh?” Demtri asked looking lost.

“A plan, I know that you don’t want everyone to know that this is arraigned so what is the plan? Where did you meet? What were your dates like?” Lisa Maire told Demtri talking to him like he was in first grade.

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