Chapter 1

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"I-I promise I won't cost any Problems in Ella Earth" I said as the land in front of me disappeared.

"If your an Element where's your braid?" Welsey asked "I don't have one yet, God Elm said if I do my jobs correctly I will change from Darkness to sunlight" I explained Andrew Air laughed at my explanation.

"Hahahahaha! You turn into a sunlight after being Darkness? Hahahaha no Element had change their power before hahaha!" Andrew Air said while laughing between words.

"Remember Dame Darkness! An Element's name only starts from the first letter of your element" Levi Land Said sarcastically. Wow these guys are soo intimidating, My God!

"Why are you guys so mean to me in some reason?" I asked

"Because my cousin, Lyla Light will be visiting tomorrow and we want OUR world to be clean, she's always bragging of how Maria Mars looks like and Yada Yada Yada" Felix Fire said I rolled my eyes and looked around their little base.

"*sigh* look if we want her to work on her job, then how will she know where to work if we don't show her around" Nancy Nature said to Levi Land

"Fine, just don't let her get into trouble, remember she's not one of us yet" Levi land said, Nancy nodded and ran towards me.

"Follow me Dame I'll show you around Ella Earth" Nancy said standing on the window (just like from the movie tangled) then she jumped off and beneath her is a Ivy so that where she walks she will never fall.

"Come on, Dame! Every Element has a special ability to move around Ella Earth Freely" Nancy said.

"Are you sure?" I asked "ugh! Every Element has a way to transport from one Element to another"

"Okay here I go" I said as I jumped down the window. Suddenly I felt something on my back and I just glided upward, it was Angel wings but black ones.

"Nice work Dame!" Nancy cheered as we headed to our first destination: Nature

I was excited and curious too! I'm super excited to see what Nature looks like.

"Nancy? How far is Nature?" I asked, a bit funny though because I used her name Nancy and Nature.

"Not far just right across Fire, then we're there so hold on tight!" Nancy said running  Fearlessly on the Ivy.

"I really hope the people here don't see us" I said "nope they don't, Elements cannot be seen my people anytime soon, Elements are like the ones who control night and day" Nancy explained.

"Oh, so how did they knew how Elements look like?" I asked

"Hehe they don't that's why they kept drawing everything like it was right but all of them are wrong, some people got the Face and the hair but not the clothes, some people got the clothes and face but not the hair, and some people got the clothes and face but not the hair, so they all have different imaginations" Nancy said.

"Who controls them by any chance?" I asked, I just have a lot of curiosity In me right now

"No one, that's our main goal, they each have a mind of their own but nonetheless they were really good at conserving nature, *sigh* until Prarity Pollution came and starts control some people's minds, she already made Paige Pluto go far away from the solar system, that's why Goddess Candace and God Elm decided they will make Elements in each one of the planets, Jessica Jupiter has Elements too, but Prarity did something bad, she almost melted Jessica Jupiter, luckily her Elements were there and she was now safe, unlike ours, Ella Earth is still in the hands of Prarity and we don't want Ella Earth to die just like that, so we Elements made a deal, that each Element of the planets must help to defeat Prarity Pollution" Nancy explained

"Wow I guess the Galaxy is changing, now that I showed up" I said

"Just make sure get outta trouble, tomorrow is a very eventful day because Lyla Light will show up and judge Ella Earth so if you were to hide from her she will not brag about how Maria Mars is clean and well organized" Nancy continued I looked to where the direction she was running and I saw everything was all green.

We've Arrived, Nature Awaits us both.

Quote of the day:

"Be positive and think yourself through your problems before you hung up"
                                                                                                                              ~Dame Darkness

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