Mabel's Guide to Stickers

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"And that includes Mabel's Guide to Hair Topiary!" Mabel says as she smiles brightly, her hair looking like a bird, or something. Dipper and Priya were sitting on a bed as Dipper was reading a book while Priya was reading the journal. Priya looks up from the journal as she stares at Mabel, her eyebrow raised.

"Mabel is that a swan?" She questions her little cousin.

"Yeah Mabel what is that?" Dipper asks, looking up from his book as well.

"It's an ostrich. It's clearly an ostrich." Mabel says as she grabs the beak part of the hair and makes bird noises.


"Today Mabel's Guide to: Stickers!
Throughout history, stickers have been the best thing in many civilizations." Mabel states, smiling at the camera.

"No they haven't." Dipper says.

"The ancient Greeks used leeches for stickers! The more stickers you had, the cooler you were!" Mabel adds on.

"Nope, not true." Priya says, still reading the journal.

"The ancient Aztec chest skull was the modern equivalent to today's...... Orange you happy mon?" Mabel says as she holds out a sticker with a orange with sunglasses on.

"How does Mabel know the Aztecs when I learned them in my Sophomore year of high school?" Priya questions Dipper.

"Yeah I don't know. Mabel have you ever read a history book before?" Dipper questions while looking at his sister.

"Edit it out!" Mabel points to Dipper as the camera 'edits' Dipper out of the film.

"Mabel, you can't just-" Priya was cut off when Mabel points to her and says "edit it out!" again, making Priya disappear off the camera. Mabel looks back at the camera and snaps her fingers multiple times saying "Edit, edit, edit!"as stickers were 'magically' on her face.

"Cut away!" She adds as the camera cuts off.


"Let's talk about my personal Sticktionary!" Mabel declares as she opens her book of stickers.

"Stickers fall into several distinct categories: Puffy stickers." Mabel begins to explain as Soos's hand comes in front of the camera as he touches the puffy stickers.

"So soft." Soos compliments in awe.

"Haha and there are googly eye stickers." Mabel lists as she shakes the book, causing the google eyes to move around.

"Ah! It's like they are watching me!" Soos screams.

"Bumper stickers, scratch and sniff, sniff and touch, listen and taste, and price stickers!" Mabel finishes.

"You can get these free at the store." She talks about the price stickers as she closes her stickers book.

"Don't they need those?" Dipper asks in the background.



Mabel was in a store where there were TVs on a table with a price sticker on each of them saying $1.299.000.

"Stickers, stickers, stickers, hahaha." Mabel laughs as she takes all the price stickers off the TVs, walking away happily. A man soon runs up and takes one of the TVs, smiling widely.

"Free TVs everybody!" He yells as a bunch of people start to grab TVs and running away with them.


"Listen Dipper, you shouldn't doubt my authorities. In the sticker world, I'm the girl who can get you things." Mabel explains.


(Another flashback)

Mabel and Priya were in the gift shop as Mabel was eating a popsicle while Priya leans against the desk with sunglasses on as Grunkle Stan was standing behind the counter.

"I need a sticker that will, you know, get the cops off my back." Grunkle Stan says as Mabel holds out a sticker that says 'Baby on board'.

"Oh!" Grunkle Stan says as he tries to grab the sticker but Priya intervenes and pushes Stan's hand away.

"Uh-uh! Her price Stan." Priya explains. Grunkle Stan sighs as he takes out a huge bucket of colorful, industrial sprinkles.

"I'm gonna get sooo sick." Mabel says while smiling.

"I don't get paid enough for this." Priya mumbles, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"You don't get paid at all Priya." Stan says.



Mabel was munching on the sprinkles next to Dipper and Priya, clearly happy with herself.

"Uh Mabel. Don't you think those are hazardous to your health?" Dipper questions.

"Edit it out!" Mabel says as she snaps her fingers and Dipper disappears.

"Oh boy...." Priya mumbles as she keeps reading the journal.

"Edit, edit, edit!" Mabel snaps her fingers multiple time again as sunglasses appear on Mabel's face, a radio next to Priya, and Soos holding a plate of a burger and soda.

"Wait, how did I get here?" Soos asks in shock.

"Thanks for watching Mabel's Guide to Stickers! And now a riddle: what kind of sticker can save your life?" Mabel questions, looking at the camera.


Mabel was standing in her room, wearing a jacket as she got ready to test if these stickers can save her life.

"Okay Priya hit it!" Mabel commands Priya as she holds out a grappling hook, ready to shoot it at Mabel.

"I better not get yelled at by Grunkle Stan if you get hurt." She mumbles. She then pulls the trigger as she shoots the grappling hook at Mabel, which hits her right in the stomach, making her fly onto the ground but luckily sits up a few seconds later, not injured. Mabel then takes off her jacket and underneath of it was a pile of puffy stickers covering her shirt.

"Puffy stickers!" Mabel announces.
"Still hurts though." She mumbles.

"Mabel I'm making hot chocolate, you want some?" Priya asks in the background.

"OH MY GOSH YES I DO!" Mabel cheers happily as she runs downstairs.

"Oh my god, she left the camera recording again..." Priya mumbles as she turns off the camera.

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