Chapter Two

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Chapter Two~Cinderella Goes to the Ball~


Archer and I were just finishing up a game of Yahtzee (I taught Archer how to play.  Seems there was a dice game he hadn’t played!), when the princes’ coach arrived.  We both looked fabulous in our nobleman’s attire.

The coach was quite opulent with its finely upholstered seats and heaviy brocaded curtains and as the coachman handed us up into our seats, both Archer and I began to role play.

“My Lady,”  Archer began, in a contrived accent, “Thou art most beautifully attired on this fine evening.”

 “Why, thank you kind Sir.  Thou dost have the fine manners of a Lord!” I replied, in kind.  We both laughed and continued to regale each other with made up stories of our ‘royal’ lineage.

The ride to the castle was rather bumpy, but we finally arrived somewhat shaken, ‘but not stirred’.

When we entered the Great Hall, a servant announced us as “The Lord of Hurley and Lady Elisabeth of Hurley’.  I never did tell Prince John my brother’s name so that was how he was introduced.

Before I realised it, Prince John was at my side and lifting my fingers to his lips, he said, “Oh, dear lady, you look lovely! 

Turning to Archer, he said, “This must be your brother.” And he gazed up and down at Archer.  I was afraid he might recognise Guy’s clothes, but he made no indication that he had.  I was relieved.

Your Majesty, allow me to introduce my brother, Albert.”  Archer shot me a look that showed his displeasure at the name I chose for him.

“Albert, this is Prince John, the generous sovereign of all Nottinghamshire.” I gushed with exaggeration.

“My pleasure, your Majesty,” Archer pompously replied, bowing.  “Thank you for inviting us to this special occasion.”

Prince John, still holding my hand, said, “Come, let us be seated.  The feast is about to be served”.

 'Albert” was led to a chair at the far end of the long table that was piled with all manner of fruits and breads, while Prince John led me to a chair next to him.  He pulled out my chair and I sat.  Then he seated himself.  The sound of trumpets blaring caused everyone to be silent.  The prince stood.

“Lords and Ladies, I thank you all for accepting my invitation to this feast which is to celebrate your loyal service to me, your Prince.”

The room exploded in applause as the prince arrogantly gestured around the room holding out his arms.

“Let the feast begin!”  he cried.

Servants came out with platters of meat and potato dishes.  A taster stood at the end of the table, making sure the food was not poisoned.  I was putting fruit and bread on my plate when the prince turned his attention to me. 

“Lady Elisabeth, have you met George, the sheriff of Nottingham?” He gestured to my right.

Nearly choking, I answered, “No, I haven’t.”  Turning to look at him, I swallowed and said, “How do you do?”

Now this sheriff was a very good looking man, with raven black hair, trimmed beard and mustache.  His eyes bored into mine as he said,  “Lady Elisabeth.”  He took my hand and raised it to his lips, still looking right into my eyes. As I gently pulled my hand away,  Prince John came to my rescue.

“George,” he said, possessively.  “This lovely lady is my guest.  There are plenty of other ladies you may choose from.”

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