Maybe He Doesn't

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After getting home and having a terribly awkward dinner, we sit in the living room again. Mom and Dad are in the kitchen cleaning up, and I sit on the couch. I really want to call Reb, and I can't wait to go up to my room.

"We should probably get home soon," Calum says, and I nod.

"I could stay with you," Luke offers.

"I want to stay with her," Calum counters.

"Guys, I really appreciate your support, but I kind of just want to be alone right now," I say.

"Of course," Calum says, getting up.

"Thank you, guys." I smile and stand up, and Luke comes over to me.

"Let me at least give you our numbers," he says, and I hand him my phone. He types in their numbers before giving me my phone back.

"Thanks. I'll text you both."

"Thanks for the dinner, and we will see you tomorrow?"


They walk out the doorway before going into the kitchen. "Thank you for dinner," Calum says.

"No problem at all! Thanks for bringing Amb home," Dad says with a grin.

"It was our pleasure," Luke responds. After a while, they leave, and I sit in the living room, waiting for my parents. After a few minutes, they come into the room.

"What happened?" Mom asks, sitting beside me. I sigh deeply before telling them everything that happened. They listen quietly, nodding every now and then.

"I don't know what to say," Dad says after a moment.

"Well, we're here for you, if that's any consolation," Mom says with a reassuring smile.

"Thank you for being so supportive, although I don't really deserve it."

"At least you didn't go in for the kiss."

"Hey, you didn't sleep with him. In my book, one kiss isn't even cheating. More like a mistake," Dad says.

"It's a big ass mistake," I mumble with a sigh.

"Stressing over it isn't going to do anything," Mom says, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"I know, but I can't help it. I wasn't too stressed earlier today because Calum and Luke helped take my mind off it, but now it's all I can think about." I stand up. "I'm going to call Reb. Thanks for being so supportive," I say again.

"Don't stress," Dad calls as I leave the room.

"I'll try," I respond, walking up the stairs and into my room. I message Reb before calling her, and she answers immediately.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Well, I went to Cody's house, started crying like an idiot before throwing myself at him. Then, he shoved me to the ground and slammed the door in my face."

"He did what now?"

"He shoved me before slamming the door."

"He what?"

"Reb, come on."

"Sorry. I just can't believe it. Like, I get that he's hurt, but what le fuck," she says, making me chuckle. "He should at least try to hear you out—I mean, doesn't he want this to work?"

I frown before saying softly, "Maybe he doesn't."

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