He's WHAT!?

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Its been a bit over a week and Ian and I have been at each other like immortals unable to satisfy there sexual cravings. By this point I have bruises healing on top of new bruises. Hickeys like a leopard and bite marks like a baby on a teething ring. I laid in the bed soaking in the last few hours of our stay before we have to go back to our normal lives. Ian was downstairs doing the check out papers.

*vibration noises against the coffee table*

Ian left his phone hm strange he usually always have it with him. The call stopped then started again. This call must be a very important one. I chewed on my bottom lip debating whether I should answer it or not. My gut kept telling me that I should. I decided to follow my gut and answer the call.

"Ian you piece of shit I wanted to let you know that I found out where you were and that you were with a another women you dumb asshole you are so terrible at hiding secrets. I've filed for divorce there signed sealed and been delivered to your lawyer along with the custody charges. Do t worry anymore Ian I'll tell our two children that there father don't love then anymore all he cares about is fucking every skirt that passes by. I hope you rot in hell"

I swallowed the lump that was in my throat blinked a couple of times letting the fresh tears roll down my face. I felt like a train slammed into body a hundred times. I sniffled wiping away my tears and ran to the bathroom tying my hair into my a messy bun jumping into sweats and a white tee with my sneakers I began throwing all my stuff into my bags. I pulled the door open and began to run down the stairs making sure to miss Ian i was lucky enough to get into a cab that was right front of the hotel.

"To 236 east Hamilton lane please and fast"

The driver nodded and pulled off burning rubber. I felt my hands shaking my mind was racing like a nascar. My phone was ringing like someone had died I knew it was Ian texting and calling but I didn't bother. I paid my cab fare and went inside my house. I screamed and threw my bags at anything my servants came running to my aide but I told them to leave me be.

I slept with my married professor.

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