But instead I held my tongue as I knew lashing out at my mo wasn't the right way to get my emotions out...and ultimately I'd end feeling guilty for hurting her feelings when she's only trying to comfort me.

"Well I've got a huge headache but otherwise I guess I'm just a little stiff." I finally replied.

She nodded. "I'll go and grab you some aspirin and a the heating blanket."

"Thanks Mom...Mom, I also want to see Vance."

She gave me a sad look once more, but of course it was dad who spoke to answer me. "Elise honey... Vance was badly injured that evening, and without his wolf he hasn't been able to heal like he normally would...his parents have taken him to be treated at a human hospital, I spoke with Mr Cage just this morning, Vance is doing better, but he is in a lot of pain so they're keeping him asleep as much as possible right now."

"W-what happened to him?" I asked as I searched my own memory but was coming up blank.

My father sighed heavily, "both of his lower leg bones were broken, one a little worse than the other so right now Vance is sporting a cast that goes just above the knee to prevent any further damage to the bones as well as prevention from injuring any other ones that hadn't previously been part of the initial break. He's got some rope burns like yours."

His words caused me to look down at my own wrists.

"From the sounds of it, Vance will be in a wheel chair for a while before they try and move him to crutches...he's stubborn though so he may be on crutches sooner rather than later." Dad chuckled a little in an attempt to ease my worry.

I had to admit that I liked the idea of Vance moving around soon.

"When can I see him?"

Once more my parents looked at each other.

"Sweetheart, it's probably not a great time." My mom sounded.

"Your body needs to heal properly Elise." Dad put in.

I agreed for now.

I felt like they were keeping something from me but I didn't know what, and I knew they wouldn't just tell me if I asked them.

The doctor came by to check on me, he gave me the green light to go home...apparently I had been stuck at my Aunt's house for a while week just unconscious...My parents told me that Harper and Braxton came by everyday to check on me too...and while I was grateful for them caring so much, I really was glad I'd be able to just go home, if even just to be in my own bed.

Once home my parents continued to hover.

"Mom, dad...I'm fine now, can I just please take a shower in peace?"

They hesitated but ultimately agreed that a shower would be alright.

As I entered my restroom I undressed with care, I didn't want to rub my burns too much as the doctor had said I didn't need the bandages any longer. Fully naked I looked at my reflection in the long mirror, I looked just like I had the last time I looked at my reflection, only I had noticed the slightest difference.

It was small, but somehow I now seemed washed out, dull, faded in a sense...that hollow feeling gnawed at me and tears began to spring forward.

I closed my eyes once more and pictured my wolf, the color of my fur, the shape of my paws, the length of my whiskers, the sound of my howl...but when I opened my eyes I was still just a naked girl crying in her bathroom.

I looked away and turned on the water, I didn't wait for it to warm up because I didn't care at the moment, but once it got hot, it really got HOT.

The scorching water droplets beat down on my bare flesh, but I ignored their fiery sting as nothing could be more painful than not having my wolf anymore.

'All I need right now is to be with Vance.'

After that last thought I turned the hot water down and added some cold water to bring the temperature to a moderately warm shower now, I shampooed and conditioned my hair before I lathered my body with Vance's favorite soap.

When I finished I got out of the shower and put on fresh underwear and a bra before slipping on my robe.

I left my room only to find my parents stiffly sitting in the family room.

"I'm going to have a nap." I announced.

They both got up but I held my hands up to stop them.

"It's a nap guys, I love you both but a nap doesn't exactly require assistance." I smiled softly. "Please just let me rest without coming in to check on me every two minutes...you don't need to coddle me while I'm unconscious...do you think you can both just give me about an hour of uninterrupted rest time?"

They were silent.

"I promise I will call one of you if I need anything." I added, "by the way, where's my phone?"

"We'll have to get you a new one...your belongings didn't return with you." My mother sounded.

I nodded, "then I'll shout...but seriously, please, one hour alone."

They both begrudgingly agreed.

Once I was in my room I didn't bother locking the door, I knew if they found out I locked the door they would know something was wrong.

I quickly went to my closet and pulled on a pair of jeans and one of Vance's zip hoodies (that I had taken from him on one of our many dates).

I went to my desk and found my backpack...I pulled out a notebook and a pen before I wrote out a note:

I just needed to see him. -Elise

Author's Note

You will quickly find that this story doesn't really have a whole lot of Harper and Braxton other than a few mentions of them here and there. As the story progresses they may pop up but this is Elise and Vance's story with Elise as the main character this time.

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