Chaseing the whatever chapter eight/Sage

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"Where did you have to leave to when that other guy came in"Sage screamed when Mr.Lovelace came back into the one mirror room,for some reason sage felt felt close to mr. lovelace and didnt know the man like that. Haha I'M sorry sage but thats policy i can't be in the room when questions are being asked,is it okay if i sit with you?"Yea go ahead."Hey why are you crying?"Cause i just wanna go home wit my mama,why we cant leave yet?"Well, im not sure but you gotta be a big girl,and dont forget to tell the truth because if you lie your mom will be hurt." Mr.Lovelace!!"Yes."Why do they have a mirror in here?what is it for?"They have it in here to scare the really bad people into telling the truth" the police said with a smile.Ohh so did it scare my mom into telling the truth?"Well your moms not a bad person.Is she?"No, i guess not,but she told the truth.RIGHT?"Yes,but because she had to,some bad people dont wanna tell the truth,but enough about your mom for now for right now,do you like ice crean sage?"Yea she said wipeing her leftover Tears and getting over excited,I love ice cream!"Whats your favorite flavor?"Umm my favorite flavor is Oreo Cookie and Chocolate crunch mixed together,yum,and thats what me and my mom were on the way to get before that lady attacked her.But before that she bought me this,sage sage said pulling a box out of her K.J.F purse she had just got."What is it sage?"See its a necklace it has my birthstone in it see,"WOW its beautiful,do you wanna put it on?"Yes, can you help me out?"Sure...there you go." Thank you mr Lovelace "Your welcome sage."So when can we go get ice cream?"HaHaHa we can go now if you like."Okay lets go!!!"Wait we got to ask your mom first!!"Where is she?"Still outside"ohh okay c'mon lets go then..

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