Chapter One

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Relentless Commander POV

   Leaving the mountain was one of the worst mistakes I had ever made.

   Besides kissing Clarke and making an utter fool of myself.

   Although I had gotten much respect from my warrior, I had officially broken the truce with Clarke's people. I hadn't taught her many things before I left her, but being a strong leader was most certainly one of them. She had already showed to me that she had the potential to be one when she sacrificed some she loved to save the rest of her people.

   From many of my warriors I heard that the mountain had been destroyed by Clarke and her people were rescued. There was very limited details regarding how she did it, but a good amount of them had said it was pure force and it included innocents. It made me think how far she has come as a leader, because a few days ago she wouldn't even kill a trader

   "Heda." Two familiar faces enter my tent with looks of fear.

   "Indra en Okteivia chit ste the problem." I stand from my bed and walk towards them.

   "Klark ste gone" How could she be gone. "Don yu seen her?"

   I hadn't seen Clarke since I left her at the mountain, how could she possibly go missing.

   "No ai don nou." I begin the feel just the least bit worried, and try and stop myself from panicking too much.

   "Em has been gone gon thri days" Three days? My fingers begin fidgeting and I worry she would not survive very long out in the woods. "Gon returning kom the maun em was gone."

   "Osir souda search gon her. Indra send kru out looking gon her as soon as possible. Ai will join the first kru" Indra nods her head.

   "Mochof Heda" Octavia thanks me in our native tongue then turns as if she was going to leave

   "Ai just want Klark back safely" They both nod their heads before leaving me in my tent to think about anything and everything that could possibly happen to Clarke if we don't find her soon.

Infamous Arker POV

   It had only been three days since I left Camp Jaha and I was already struggling. I only had enough rations of food to last me four days because I was so used to immediate access to food that I wanted back at camp. My water supply was running low and leaving the dropship would give away my position to any travelers

   I keep telling myself that the only way to be a strong leader is to sacrifice others for your own people, and that's just what Lexa did. She sacrificed my people to save her own skin.

   When killing everyone in the mountain I had used myself as the beacon of guilt and ran away so everyone at camp wouldn't have to deal with that pain. No body except for me.

   As much as I hate to admit it, I miss Lexa. I regret thinking that way because she left me, but I really do. I try not to think about the kiss that we shared because it just makes me miss her more than I should, more than my people would like me too.

   Sometimes I wish that she would be out looking for me instead of ruling over all 12 grounder clans, because she's the only one that I want to be found by. Of course I need to realize that she the godforsaken commander and doesn't spend her free time looking for damsels in distress.

   I decided that I would go looking for food tomorrow morning so that I would be able to survive a few more days out here before dying from disease or getting eaten by a wild animal. I take my last handful of berries and last swig of water before falling asleep within the dropships walls.

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