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Lucas' POV

We had all gone to the park even Jinx who was probably the most excited out of everyone, he wagged his tail and sniffed around it was almost like he had never left the house before.

"Mommy, Daddy can I go on the swings." Riley called out running over to the big swings.

"Yeah but hold on to the chains really tight!" Maya shouted back.

"She'll she fine." I whispered in her ear and she just looked up and smiled at me as if she knew I was going to say it.

"I know you too well." She giggled...


Riley fell straight on to the floor. I ran over forgetting everything and behind me was Maya pushing Shawn along trying to see if Riley was ok.

"Huuhaahhaa" she giggled pushing her self to sit up with her elbows.

"I told you to hold into the chains." Maya sighed in relief and then turned to me to give me an I told you so look.

"I know mommy I'm sorry... Where's Jinx?" Riley asked looking around.

"Errggh... I dont know, I must of let go of his lead when you fell." I couldn't believe what I had done, Riley loved Jinx more than anything and I just let him go.

"Oh daddy... What are we gonna do?" She called out trying not to let the tears come out. But they did and it was all my fault.

"Excuse me have you seen a dalmatian." I shouted out to anybody that would listen. I walked up and down the park for hours looking for him but he was no where to be seen. I couldn't go home without Jinx. Riley loved him more than anything in the world.

I got up to the apartment and opened the door.

"Daddy!" I heard from the sofa. Riley jumped up and ran towards me looking to see if Jinx was with me.

"So did you find him, where is such he?" She asked. But I didn't respond I didn't know what to say.

"Yaaay!" She screamed. I turned around to see Jinx flying through the door. I couldn't believe it somehow he had made his way home on his own.

"Thanks daddy!" She giggled as Jinx licked her face knocking her down to the ground.

Later on after Riley and Shawn had gone to bed me and Maya layed on the sofa in from of a burning fire with a glass of wine each.

"That was really good of you staying out till you found him like you did." She smiled looking up at me.

"Actually, I didn't but Riley liked it so much I couldn't tell her the truth." I begged hoping that she didn't think any less of me.

"I know." She said looking pleased with herself.

"How? When?" I questioned her feeling slightly more confused and unstable.

"Leeland. Our neighbor told me he found him wandering outside the building and let him him.But I love you for telling me the truth." She replied feeling even more smug than before. I gave her a cheeky grin and she laughed at me before picking up the controller to watch TV.

I know its not the greatest one shot and its not very long but I just love it so much... So I hope you enjoyed it.

Lucaya One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin