minho | rough

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"Are you packed?" Minho asked, walking in your bedroom. "Ne, I am." You zipped your suitcase and sat down. He moved to occupy the space beside you. "Congratulations." He smiled softly and ruffled your hair. "Yahh..." you pouted and looked at him, "just because you're a few months older than me doesn't mean you can act like that."

"I know." Minho said, his dark eyes on you. "I'm just going to miss you. This is the first vacation you're going on without me."

Minho's parents and yours have been best friends since high school, so the two of you did everything together. Every year, the two families went on a vacation to Jeju. It was only for a few days, but your best memories with Minho all lie in that vacation house.

However, Minho recently debuted in a band called 'SHINee' under SM Entertainment company. He was so busy, even just 5 minutes with him was so precious. Time wasn't his, or your best friend.

"Don't remind me." You sighed softly.Though you both obviously liked each other, no one made a move. Minho's schedule wouldn't allow dating and you always said you hated long distance relationships."It's not going to be the same," you murmured, "but at least you are living your dream."

He loved how understanding you were. "Don't worry, dongsaeng." He said and wrapped his arms around you. "I want you to have enough fun for the both of us. And eat at that noodle place I like... arraso? For me."

You leaned into his chest and sighed. "I will."

He buried his face in your hair. "Thank you." You both stayed like that for a while, letting the silence stay.

~ ~ ~

It has been two days since you arrived in Jeju, and you were incredibly lonely. Your eyes stared at the mat Minho usually sleeps on and sighed. You wish he was here.

You decided to get up and take a shower. You put on your bathing suit and a towel, and took a little hike up the mountain by the house. Only you and Minho knew of the falls hidden in the woods. It was yours and his place.

When you arrived, you set your towel down and sat on a rock, dipping your feet in the water. A flash back came.

"Yah!!" You laughed as Minho splashed your face. He just laughed and swam off. No way were you gonna let him get away so easily, no siree. "You know I'm a fast swimmer!" You warned him and followed. "The joke is on you!" He called over his shoulder, "I've been taking swimming classes."

"Cheater!" You accused him. But still, even with classes, he was a slow poke. You easily caught up and herded him to the rock and smirked when you knew you had him trapped. His back pressed against the rough surface as he watched you press your hands beside his sides, not letting him escape. "Gotcha." You whispered.

"You know, shouldn't this be the other way around?" He wondered out loud.

"I'm not a fan of gender roles." You huffed, trying to act manly.

He just laughed and leaned his face in yours. "So am I not allowed to kiss you?"

"Nope." You said cooly.

"That's too bad." He said and pulled away. "Because I really want too."

You smiled, "I know."

Right now, you really wished you had let him kiss you that day. It was the last day before your vacation ended, and the last full day you would have with him, for a very long time.

Suddenly, you started to feel sick. You missed him so much. Your lips started to tremble and salty tears ran down your cheeks. A small sob came from your mouth and your stomach was twisting in all directions. You felt weak, and the air was getting hotter by each minute you cried.

You cried until you felt numb. You're eyes slowly closed, and your breathing was shallow. Why did he effect you like this? It was stupid and pathetic, but you loved him. Just when you were on the verge of sleep, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you.

"Dongsaeng? Are you all right? You don't look good. God, you're burning. Can you stand?"

You smiled slightly, you knew that voice. You just groaned slightly and sat up with his help.

"Come on, hop on my back." He crouched on front of you.

You slowly climbed on his back and wrapped your legs around his waist. He stood up and started to walk back to the house. You pressed your cheek to his bare back, closing your eyes. He was so cool and you leaned further into him. "Why are you here?" You mumbled.

"Shh," he hushed you gently, "I will answer questions when we get back."

You stayed quiet after that and listened to breathing and the birds chirping above your head...

Minho set you down gently on the bed. You fell asleep on him, and he tried hard not to wake you. He looked at your face, now smushed against the pillow. You have a round face and cute little cheeks. You hated it, always saying you wanted sharper features but Minho loved it. He loved you. His slender fingers went to push your hair back. He leaned in slowly and pressed his lips gently on yours. He didn't mind if he got sick, he just wanted to kiss you.

"Yah," you mumbled, "I said you couldn't kiss me." Minho jumped back and you smiled, opening yours eyes. "But I forgive you."

He just smiled after that. "I came to see you, for a few hours. And look at you, falling asleep. Tsk tsk." You laughed softly and shook your head. "Well, come here."

You opened your arms and he gladly accepted the invitation. He layed his head on your chest and closed his eyes. You petted his hair softly and whispered. "I love you, Choi Minho."

"I love you too." He said softly ans then silenced ensued. They weren't romantic confessions, just a confession of love. Pure simple love. That feeling of happiness that fills up your chest when you see someone, that was what that was.

"Minho, I will wait for you." You said after a few minutes of silence. "Even if I wait my whole life, because I'm irrevocably in love with you and I suppose that will never change."

Minho smiled, but didn't respond. He knew he didn't have to, because you already knew he was yours too. And even though it might really be a long time, you knew each other's hearts. And in the grand scheme of things, that's all that really mattered.

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