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Hayes's POV
the next morning

The sunlight peered in the crack of our makeshift tent. It was just a white sheet held up by multiple sticks, but somehow it worked.

I looked at Violet. I had my arm wrapped around her waist. She was so beautiful, even in her sleep. Her eyelashes are really long. I never noticed that.

I can't believe I kissed her. I've wanted to do that for so long. Why did she pull away? It must've been something I did, even though I didn't do anything at all.

Maybe it was the fact you're both running away from the police because you're an alleged murderer.

I sighed. I looked down at her again, before I crawled out of the tent. I decided I should get a fire going and got some wood.

I set the wood down, got a few leaves, and I lit them with my lighter. The fire started going in minutes, and hopefully it will stay going by the time Violet wakes up.

"Come on, the camp shouldn't be that far." I hear someone say, a masculine voice. I peek inside the tent, and Violet's still asleep.

"Ask those nice kids. I bet they know where the camp is." I hear a more feminine voice, and I know it's not Violet's.

Either these people are high, or they're genuinely lost.

"Excuse me," I hear the woman say, and I turn around.

"Y-yes?" I ask.

"You must be part of the camp, right? Because we're lost. Where is it?" She asks.

"Actually," I hear someone else say. I turn back to the tent, and it's Violet. "It's over there. See that smoke?" She points up, beyond the trees, and there is gray smoke.

"Oh, of course! See that, Tim?" The woman taps her husband. "So, are you going to the camp?"

"Uh...yes." Violet says. "We were hiking, but we decided to camp here because we got tired." She lies so easily. I was shocked.

"We were going to go later in the day." I followed, "we just got here."

"Okay. I'll see you nice kids later." The woman smiles. "I'm Janet."

"I'm Ben." I lied. "This is-"

"Lauren." Violet cut in.

"Nice to meet you! Well, we should get on our way." She waves, and she drags her husband towards the "camp."

I made sure they weren't able to listen when I started to talk to Violet.

"Camp?" I said.

"Yeah. We passed by a map while we were walking. I assumed it was over there." She shrugged.

"What if it isn't?" I asked.

"We're going later today, right? So I guess we'll find out." She said in a smirk.

"There is no way we can pull that off, 'Lauren.'" I laughed.

"Really? You're laughing at my fake name?" She laughed back.

"Okay fine. But we're not going to that camp, Violet. It's too risky. We can't." I explained.

"Come on. You said it yourself. Plus that couple will be expecting us, anyways." She said.

"No. I don't care about that stupid couple, okay? I care about us. What if we get caught? Plus we don't even have enough money to afford that." I explained.

"I thought you brought money?" Violet asked.

"Yeah, like a few hundred dollars, why?" I asked.

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