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The entrance to the dwarven city wasn't hidden. Patches of moss and thin tentacles of vines covered everything except for the stones around the entrance. The direct noon day sun beamed onto the entrance, but no light made it through the opening. If you weren't invited not even light could get through a secret dwarven entrance.

Taking a deep breath, Haline gathered her courage and stepped through.

She had expected to be transported to the bottom of the mountain, but once she opened her eyes she saw a cave, more than a cave, a tunnel. Good. She hadn't been completely forgotten.

The smell of old, damp, earth poked at forgotten memories of her childhood. She pushed the memories back and shut them away before they could do any damage.

She was home.

The vines crept their way along the ceiling for miles. She ran her fingers, along the walls as she followed the worn smooth path of the tunnel.

As the tunnel curved, something collided into her, sending her hard onto her butt.

She looked up. Two dwarven children stood above her, gaping and eyes wide. One of the children, was a boy with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes.

"Elise," Haline said, recognizing the other child by her blonde, mop of curly hair.

"Aunt Haline! Aunt Haline, you're back?"

Before Haline could answer, Elise ran away screaming, "Haline. Haline. Haline's back."

"No, don't say anything," Haline said, trying not to scream. She hoped to arrive quietly and seek out her family one by one. That plan had died a quick death.

It took the boy a few seconds to realize his playmate had run off, but then he was gone too, running as fast as his stocky legs could go.

Once she reached the heart of the city. A sense of pride rushed through her. Elves had nothing on dwarves, no one had anything on dwarves.

Her ancestors had carved this city with their bare hands and pick axes. The ceiling was as high as the top of the mountain. There was an opening large at the peak, so there was enough light feed the gardens. Grand columns marked every entrance. Statues of great dwarves carved in stone and marble helped decorate the gardens. The sunshine shining through the ceiling, the plush grass, and the gentle streams almost felt like it was outside.

You never needed to leave, and most dwarves didn't.

Two arms as hard and rough as a tree, wrapped their large arms around her waist and lifted her from the ground.

A moment later, her brother, the second tallest dwarf she'd ever seen came barreling towards her.

"Haline!" she recognized the voice of her oldest brother, Ekrom.

"Put me down, you ass!"

After he released her, she saw that they were both covered in black soot.

"Ekrom, you ass!"

He kissed her on the cheek. "I missed you too."

She was about to let out a stream of insults when she was picked up again and squeezed so tight it felt as though her rib might break.

She didn't have to see his face to know that it was her younger brother Nichum.

"Damn it," Haline said. "I should poison all of you."

"You can't poison us for showing you love. Weren't you the one who condemned us for not being affectionate enough?" She cut her eyes towards them and frowned. She didn't want to admit she was happy to see them. So instead she asked, "Where's dad?"

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