
"Good. Now eat."

Zayn has to awkwardly reach in the bag and take out another one. It's a clear one and he puts it in his mouth. His eyes are now trained on Harry's hand, because he's bringing the razorblade to Zayn's thigh. He has an idea of what's about to happen.

"No please. Don't." Zayn says. And before he knows it, there's a lump in his throat and a film of wetness is beginning to cover over his eyes.

"Zayn. Don't fucking tell me what to do. Never tell me what to do. Eat those gummy bears and shut your mouth."

Zayn is shocked at those words but at the same time, he isn't shocked. Nothing is new anymore when it comes to Harry Styles. He reaches in the bag only to find a green one this time and he nibbles on it weakly, cringing as Harry puts the blade to his skin. The moment it pierces him, he cries out. "Ouch! No, Harry! Please don't!" He's careful not to move because any movement could result in him getting cut much worse.

"Please! Harry!" This time, the tears come down and Harry has no problem ignoring them. He just keeps running the blade across his body. Zayn's eyes are blurry from tears, but he can see the blood that's coming out of himself. Why is this happening?

"Eat Zayn. Eat and don't stop again. I bought those for your birthday. Eating the gummy bears I've bought you and letting me mark you is important if you don't want to suffer any consequences afterward."

Consequences?! Isn't this enough?!

Not for Harry. So therefore Zayn eats the rest of the green one and takes out four gummy bears from the bag. 2 orange ones, a green one and a clear one.

"It hurts!" He cries, not daring to try to remove Harry's hand. "It hurts so bad, Harry!"

"I know, I know." He's brutally calm. "I've just finished two letters. Three more to go.

"Please. I'm begging you!" Now Zayn is just throwing one of the orange ones in his mouth and chewing roughly. He's not focused on chewing but rather the pain Harry is inflicting on him.

He tries to lie back on the bed, but his cuffed wrist makes it impossible to lie back all the way. He growls angrily. Suddenly, without warning, the blade goes deeper in his flesh than before and he let's out a piercing scream. It's full of pain and hurt and it's a sign that something horrid is happening to him. "You screamed, Zayn." Harry says in a singing tone. But he doesn't falter in roughly dragging the blade across his skin.

However, Zayn doesn't stop. He continues to scream violently and he is unsucessfully trying to get away by yanking the wrist that's confining him to the bedpost. "STOP! STOP IT HARRY!" This time he doesn't care what happens and he begins to kick his legs making Harry stop doing what he's doing.

"Zayn, what the fuck?! I was almost done with the Y!" He forces Zayn's leg back down and harshly slices the last line of the Y into his thigh. It earns another piercing cry and Zayn is severely crying his eyes out, hiccupping in the process. But Harry is pissed as hell. He slams the bloody razor flat on the dresser and his lips are so tight is scary. Ignoring how Zayn must feel after being cut into, he yanks Zayn by a handful of his hair. "You bitch! Now you've fucked up!"

Zayn winces and speaks weakly. "I'm... I'm sorry." But it can't even come out clearly for the tears.

"You're not sorry." Harry says. "But you will be, you stupid piece of shit." He pauses and looks at the bag of gummy bears. "You stopped eating what I gave you? That was my gift to you Zayn. I'm not happy."

"I'm sor..." He's about to say he's sorry, but obviously Harry doesn't think it's true so there's no point in it. "I will eat them now. I promise." He struggles to grab a bear from the pack, but eventually does. This one is red. "See? I'm about to eat it now."

HOLLOW » Zarry ✔⚠Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang