Chapter 3: The First Kiss

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Goku was remarkably quiet during the flight. He kept thinking about Chi-Chi, food, food, Chi-Chi and food. Oh, and Bulma's red dress.
"What's wrong, Goku? Do you want to talk to me about something?" After all, he was the most unfortunate of them. She wasn't married with Yamcha… She shuddered again and told herself that she had to stop this. She put up a smile.
He looked at her. She was smiling very beautifully. Her earrings reflected the neon light in the plane and her eyes sparkled. She knew she looked good. "Well, no. Actually, I'm sick about it."
"About Chi-Chi?"
"Nah, I'm sick of hunger."
"There are some candy bars in the bag under my chair. You get them, I'm busy flying"
He reached over to her chair and looked at her dress. He was very hungry. He grabbed the bag and accidentally touched her leg. "Oh! Sorry!"

EEEEEEK! He touched her! "What a pervert" "Well, she didn't mind, now did she?"

He started eating immediately. "How much longer?"
"Half an hour"
He already finished his bars. What to do now? He wasn't that hungry anymore, so the only thing on his mind were Chi-Chi and the dress. The dress and Chi-Chi. Options, options. He looked at her and grinned. Suddenly, he thought of Yamcha. Wasn't he cheating with Chi-Chi? That would mean Bulma would be sad! "Bulma?"
"Yes Goku?"
"Aren't you sad about Yamcha leaving you for Chi-Chi?"
That was, as a matter of fact, what she had been thinking about. Was she sad? She hadn't wondered about that, more about the possibility. Was it true what Goku said? It was possible, of course. Yamcha and her weren't always together… And Goku wasn't always in his little home in the woods either, training, taking off to fight aliens, not returning for half a year. The possibility was there. But was she sad about it? No. She wasn't. Would she have shuddered at the thought of Yamcha if she was sad? "No. He's getting old" Goku ought to think badly of her now.
But he didn't. He thought of Yamcha and said: "You're right" Chi-Chi! Why was she leaving him for someone old?! He was getting more and more of a grudge against her. "She's old herself as well"
"That leaves us… doesn't it?" She looked at him and winked. Only after that she wondered whether she has done the right thing.
Goku didn't answer. He was left with just one thought. The red dress. He banned Chi-Chi out. So she hated Bulma, eh? He'd teach her. He'd think of Bulma. Only Bulma.

So HE is sad! And SHE has to comfort him! How very emancipated! And how very the start of something beautiful…What a single red dress can accomplish!

"Goku, you know what? I had this fight with Vegeta this morning…"
"You fought him?"
"Oh, I already wondered…"
"…and I found out Vegeta has never been in love with anyone."
"Teehee! But…" He suddenly wondered about something. Mirai Trunks!

Vegeta and the Z Warriors were shocked. They had just witnessed the death of Frieza, their long feared enemy, by the hands of a mysterious young boy. He wasn't much younger than Vegeta and could turn into a Super Saiyan. Super Saiyan! The only thing Vegeta was living for but had never achieved. Vegeta felt hate burn inside of him. Then the mysterious youth called for him and the warriors, saying that Goku might arrive any second. They followed him, suspicious, but after being offered a grape soda… the devil grape soda… they all agreed that this boy had to be a nice guy, really. So when Goku came, they didn't mind him having a talk with the boy, "just the two of them". They didn't expect the horrible things he would say… but that's another story which is told on every website. Just read it there. I won't spoil valuable webpages…The most surprising of those things was the thing that had to be kept a secret. This boy was the son of Vegeta. Vegeta. The arrogant Prince, not capable of loving anyone. Vegeta. Goku wondered who the mother was, and the boy told him. It was Bulma. Bulma. The single woman on Earth Vegeta hated most. And the hate came from both sides. It was such a joke. Goku laughed out loud. The boy explained how this could be. "It was a passion kind of thing". Yamcha would "find someone else". The boy said his name was Trunks and that nobody was allowed to hear this story, for "else I might never be born".

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