Chapter 2: Love, hatred and jealous housewives

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"No, really, I like that dress. It's red. I like red."
Well, perhaps he wasn't the brightest. But he sure was nice to her. To compliment his outfit, which was completely orange, was a bit too far-fetched, though. So she just smiled as if she just won the Cell Games.

Do buy that DVD or video! Toriyama will love that! It's the Cell Games, about some freaky insect like creep that loves to absorb humans and spits children from his tail! Impress your friends and take this thing with you to every slumber party!

He smiled back. Then things became a little too close for Chi-Chi. She immediately ran at her husband and her soon-to-be-arch-enemy (oh, what sweet anticipation!).
"Sangoku? Could you please help me with er... er..."
"With what? You're acting a little confusing today, Chi-Chi... Is that because you wouldn't let me kiss y..."
"Oh, shut up, Goku, silly! I think you're confused! Who said that?" She tried to stop him from speaking further. Her marital problems were the last thing she wanted Bulma to be aware of.
But Bulma wasn't stupid, you know. You can't invent a Dragon Radar if you're stupid. "What was that, Goku-sama?"
Who was she to be calling her husband that?! Why didn't she just stick with Yamcha for a change? Chi-Chi walked at Yamcha and said artificially happy: "Yamcha? Don't you think it's time to say hello to Bulma, eh?" She winked.
That's when Goku suddenly looked up. Hey! What was that? His peanut-brain tried to comprehend this... first his wife wouldn't want to be kissed... then she denied... then she walked at Yamcha... then winked at the guy... Damn, too complicated! He'd never figure this one out! His stomach started growling again. He decided to ask Chi-Chi for some dinner.
"Hey Chi-Chi!"
Her heart leaped up...

As your heart probably does too! What is this? Marital problems?! Oh, my! Will Yamcha fool around with Chi-Chi, then? Oh, than Vegeta can comfort that poor Bulma! Yay! Silly, silly mortal. When will you understand?

"Is there some food left?"
...and sank down again. Everybody laughed. She felt like they laughed at her, while the only thing she wanted was to keep up appearances. Why else would a self-respecting housewife plan a huge barbecue for her husband's stinking little friends? But she wouldn't admit! She wouldn't! "Let's catch some fish then! C'mon, let's go to the river bank! Krillin, would you heavy this for me? And you take this, Piccolo..."

What a nice little picnic that'll be! Love, romance and a beautiful blue sky!

When they arrived at the river bank, rain was pouring down.

You didn't see that coming, now did you?

She was soaked. All the others used their Ki to dry. Bulma, standing among all the men, got dry as well as all the Ki reflected on her perfect red dress. Chi-Chi was hungry. She was angry. She hated them ALL. She looked at the floating river, broad, deep, dangerous... she started walking at it. Then she heard someone call her.
"Mummy!" It was Gohan, sweet little Gohan, her only son.
She couldn't leave him. What was she thinking!

Ooh, stop crying, for Kami's sake! Did you really think I would let her jump in that river?

She looked at her little boy, while she was standing at the river side.
"Hey Chi-Chi! Catch!" Goku threw a few rods at her and she tripped. She fell backwards, into the floating, broad, deep and dangerous river...

What? No, I'm not cruel! Really!

She felt the cold water and was stunned. Then she felt a hand, someone was saving her... Was it Goku? Would everything work out again?

This, ladies and gentleman, is what we call a "cliff-hanger". So feel free to do something else for the next, let's say, ten minutes, get anxious about what'll happen next, have a little time of, go outside, in stead of sticking behind your computer all day. That's not good for your health, you know. See you in a little while...

... you're back? So soon?

It was him! Sangoku, saviour of the galaxy! He took off with her, and placed her carefully on the river bank.
"Sorry, Chi-Chi..." He looked at her, seeming curious at her reaction.
"It's... it's all right..."
"Really, Bulma already said so... You would never be able to lift those rods!"
Something snapped. "Oh, Bulma said so, didn't she?! Why don't you stick with BULMA if you're so confident about her! Damn you, Goku!"
He was startled. "Bulma? What's wrong today, Chi-Chi? Man, you're being real annoying!"

Goku! My oh my! Don't you see the woman is in Severe Pain (again, capitals to point out the sarcasm)?!

"Oh, I'm the one doing everything wrong?! WELL, YOU'RE A JERK TOO! THE ONLY THING YOU DO IS FLIRTING AND EATING!" She forgot where she was: a river bank, crowded with people to whom she wanted to keep up her appearances. She pictured herself on a distant, forgotten island, with Goku as her only companion. She despised of him, and so she told him.
He, however, didn't. He knew exactly where he was. And he was frightened. Sad, yes, that too, but most of all frightened. He didn't want to be mean. She'd kill him if she continued this rage. The only thing...

...yes, yes, I know, "the only thing a Super Saiyan is afraid of is his wife". I know.

Yamcha looked at Chi-Chi and smiled. It was time she told that husband of hers the truth! And that's what Goku saw and finally, his peanut-brain started shouting: 'Goku! Goku! Alert! Wife is fooling around with Yamcha! Wife is fooling around with Yamcha! Alert! Alert!' Brains can make themselves quite clear, you know.
Bulma was startled. Yamcha? Her Yamcha? With Chi-Chi?! The Yamcha that was only just winking at her? The Yamcha of last night? The Yamcha that had to leave early because… wait… She looked at Yamcha in disgust, but he didn't notice.

All these misunderstandings! It's like a soap opera! But you're satisfied with that, aren't you? You're a fan of those things! The best thing you think would be to combine DBZ with some soap opera! Well, I'm doing that right now. 'Njoy!

It was Vegeta who stopped them from ruining the picnic.

That'll do the trick. Vegeta, our saviour.

Then the whole party realised where they were. Bulma stopped drooling over the rather muscled arms of Goku, expanded in his little rage. Yamcha stopped thinking philosophical about the Truth, Monogamy and what to do when the strongest guy on the planet thinks you're breaking the last. Chi-Chi now realised that she was, in fact, standing on a river bank, looking rather less appealing than Bulma and was just told that she was fooling around. And Goku, last but not least, realised what he had to do. "Bulma?"
"Yes, Goku?"
" I was wondering, since my wife won't let me into my house since she's probably expecting company... (he glanced at Yamcha) Could I stay at your place?"
"NO WAY!" Vegeta shouted. "I'm NOT going to share the same house with HIM!"
Bulma smiled delicately, for this might just be what she wanted: Vegeta finally getting what he deserved: to be taught a little lesson. "Well, Vegeta, since you've got no other place to go... and I'm, as a matter of fact, inviting Goku to come over until his little martial problems are over...(she started muttering) and my problems too, I suppose… (she was speaking loud again) it's either my place with Goku, or the gutter."
"Baka!" He didn't want to sleep in the gutter! He'd... he'd have to stay there. Maybe he could get a room in the other part of the building.
"I'll just take that as a yes. Well, Goku-sama, since this party is over..." She looked at Chi-Chi, wet, furious, not able to present them with any food at all... "I suggest we'll head back to my place!"
And so they did. Goku, being to angry at Chi-Chi, and too hungry to stay joined Bulma in her Dino-cap Aeroplane, while both Yamcha and Chi-Chi were left behind, rather pissed off, really. Vegeta, who would never, ever, or at least while he wasn't forced, set foot in a small aeroplane with Kakarot, decided to just fly all the way to Capsule Corporation, be there sooner and move his stuff to another room, far away from that lousy bastard. Kakarot.

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