Chapter 10- Truth Or Dare

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Chapter 10

Truth or dare

"Hey, you alright?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head, quickly towards Amy. She looked so beautiful, with her blond hair all messed up from the wind, and her bright green eyes sparkling in the dark. If only i was that beautiful. 

We were now walking up some long stairs; slowly, following closely behind Jess as she walked up the last step and onto the landing. I was trying my hardest not to feel uncomfortable, but it obviously wasn't working. We landed outside a bedroom, the door was closed but we could hear music playing and the smell of strawberry perfume filling our noses. You could tell this was a sleepover.

"Yeah I'm fine" I answered as she gave me a bright, yet tired smile. I smiled back and then stood next to Jess as she pushed open the bedroom door and then walked inside. My tummy burst into butterflies or nerves as we entered the room, my head was pinned down to look at the floor as we stood there.

"Hey guys!" Amy shouted excitedly as she jumped on some girl that was laying on the bed in front of us.  The girls smile was curved into a small grin as she looked over towards me. I couldn't help but smile as she smiled at me. 

Amy sat up on the bed and giggled as everyone joined her. Jess stood in the doorway, looking bored as she stood next to me, frowning at every girl in the room. I looked around, the room wasn't too small, but it wasn't big either. It was the perfect size: a flat screen TV in the corner, a computer desk sitting next to it with a small computer on top and there was a bed under the window, a double bed, with cream covers on top. The walls were painted black and pink, all around with pictures stuck neatly on top, photos and posters. It was beautiful, i wish i had a bedroom like this.

I then looked at the girls sitting around the room, they were minding there own business. One girl played on the computer. She was nerdy looking, but seemed to have good dress sense. She looked like one of them mean girls from school, but she had this innocence about her that made her cute looking.

Next was a girl sitting on the floor, just by the edge of the bed. She had black hair up to her shoulders, bright brown eyes and her body was slim. She looked friendly, well that's until i realized who it was. It was the girl that i had been seeing everywhere today. First in math class, second of all when she nearly knocked me over at school and then in the cinema. What the hell? She was friends with these girls? Was that why she kept staring at me and Jess, because she knew Jess? 

"Hey, who's this" Asked one of the girls excitedly. I gulped down the lump in my throat as everyone was now staring at me, like i had three heads or something. I thought i was going to faint at first, i cant even think, its like someone has stopped my mind from thinking with some special powers. Why am i so shy? Why do i have to be so lame and stupid? I could run away right now, unfortunately, Jess was blocking the exit. Damn!

"Oh guys. This is Kate. She's new at school and i brought her here so you guys could get to know her, she's really cool. Kate this is  Danny." Amy pointed to the girl sitting on the bed who she had jumped on not long ago. I smiled politely before she carried on talking."...this is Charlie. Who you've obviously already met" She giggled as she pointed to the girl on the computer. "..and last but not least...that loser over there is Vanessa.." She giggled, as she hit the girl on the arm who was sitting next to the bed. I smiled at all of them then stiffened up as i caught Vanessa staring at me like she was going to attack me at any minute. First day of my new life and i already have an enemy. 

"Hey. Shut up i am not a loser!" Vanessa argued, hitting Amy with the pillow behind her back.

Amy laughed and so did everyone else. I think i might actually get along with these people, although they remind me of the people in my last school, the popular crowd that ruined my life, except these were a little more friendly and less, violent. 

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