A badass girl named Spirit 9

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I went to school the next day like nothing had happened. The police were good to their word and James was now in every one of my classes, which I didn't mind at all since we could now annoy all the teachers we had together instead of only two each day. And man did we make them mad and had the whole class laughing.

Example A 6th period with Mrs. Anderson me and James decided we didn't want to do the work and started talking to each other, and Mrs. Anderson didn't like that very much.


"Spirit, Mr. Jameson, why are y'all talking in my class?" Mrs. Anderson asked in her Texas drawl.

"Because we didn't want to do our work and got bored so we started talking to each other." I said mimicking her Texas accent.

"Excuse me! You will not talk to me like that Spirit!"

"Um, yes I will, you are not my mother or my foster mother, so I will speak to you the way I like to." By now everyone was laughing.

"I may not be either of them but I am your elder and you will respect your elders."

"Actually your are around our age cause you just graduated college and we're seniors in high school so we're close enough in age that your not our elder so to speak." James interjected. Mrs. Anderson's face was red with anger.


"I think I'll stay here and talk to James some more, what do you think James?"

"Fine with me."

"Both of you out of my class now!"

"No, you leave we'll stay here." I said. I was Mrs. Anderson storm out of her class and down the hallway towards the office. I laughed and looked at James.

"Let's go before she calls the cops on us or worse." We left the classroom laughing our asses off and talking about how red Mrs. Anderson's face got.

'Wanna go to the track or ring?" James asked me.

"Sure I wanna go to the ring and kick someone's ass." he and I laughed and left the school.


SORRY I KNOW IF'S SHORT BUT IT'S JUST A FILLER CHAPTER. I'll probably upload later this week. Just remember too...



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