☾Chapter Twenty-Eight☽

Start from the beginning

Why can't we just start over, Mira? I know I've made some huge mistakes in our relationship, but why don't we move on to the next chapter? I imagine myself saying to her.

Xavier laughs. 'Vladimira won't fall for that,' He warns.

I growl at him. 'And whose fault is that?' I retort, my hand squeezing the alcohol bottle to the point where it just might break.

'Ok, yes, I hurt her, but she deserved some of that,' Xavier defends himself.

'Yeah, just like how she doesn't think we deserve to be a father to her anymore,' I retort before cutting the whole conversation off with him.

The links that binds us together strains, but such a small shift in my opinion about Xavier isn't enough to break those bonds.

Jared pulls out his phone and begins to type away, a smile quickly gracing his face. "I've got to go, Dmitri, lunch with Rhea and Ana," He pauses and picks up his coat that's slung over one of the chairs in my office before motioning to the closed door that leads into Vladimira's office. "You have to fix things, and it all starts by fixing yourself. I'm not asking you to be understanding with everyone, just Vladimira."

Even as I watch him leave, I know he's right about everything.

Finding a way for Vladimira to forgive me will be hard. I've disappointed her a lot and Vladimira won't be able to condone my mistakes for a long time.

There's only one thing I can do, and that's change for her, show her that I am a proper grandfather, show her that I'm still the same man that raised her as a child.

'But we're not. We have hardened ourself since then to deal with Saffron's death. We've changed,' Xavier cuts into my thoughts.

He's not wrong.

'Vladimira doesn't want to be around us. We must change. For her,' I answer seriously.

My phone begins to buzz violently on my desk, making me reach over and check the name.

The name of my leading warrior, Donovan, flashes across the screen and I have no other choice but to answer it.


Donovan clears his throat. "A rogue was caught at the boundary line. He says he has a message for you and that'll he'll accept death willingly after he delivers it to you," He speaks quickly.

I stand up from my desk and leave my office. "I be there in a second," I inform him before hanging up.

Using my enhanced speed, I was there in a second.

A man sat there on his knees with his hands tied behind his back. Donovan stood behind him with his hand wrapped around his throat just in case he lunged at anybody.

"Why are you on my land, Rogue?" I ask calmly.

He smiles. "I bring news and a bargain from my employer," He stops talking and waits till I nod to continue. "He will kidnap your daughter and hold her hostage if you don't cooperate."

Xavier just got done worrying about something like this happening! Now it's happening and they probably want something valuable.

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