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The night was dark and silent, a bright white light shone onto Sherlock's hard face as he checked through his e-mails. All of the cases were too easy and simple, a few seconds were all that were needed to solve them. A message popped up in the laptop screen, similar to an Instant-Message type of deal.

M_: There's a storm Mary's started now...

The detective's brows knit together and he guessed that "M_" must've been the same one from the case with the Black Lotus gang- Moriarty. He remembered the dead Chinese woman's laptop having a similar message on her screen while she had seemingly been contacting the criminal.

He replied:

SH: Expand on that statement, will you?

M_: I'll give you a hint- Miss Abbington may become a very lonely woman.

SH: Who?


SH: A.G.R.A.?

M_: We wish you a merry Christmas...?

SH: ...


SH: Why are you helping me?

M_: I'm really not. I'm being clever, like you.

"M_" logged off of their account just as the downstairs door opened. Mrs. Hudson peeked out from her office room to see who the unexpected guest was. A familiar face came into view and she greeted him with a cheerful smile. He returned the grin and walked up the stairs, hoping to catch the attention of the detective.


"Yes, hello John."

"Mind if I stay here for a little while?"

"I never threw you out, you are still welcome here."

"Alright. You on a case?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Very pressing."


"Of course. So, what happened with you and Mary?"

" did you know about that? Let me guess, my shoes?"

"No. I got a message."

"From who?"

"I strongly believe it was Moriarty."

"Your nemesis knows about my marriage life before you do. Wow."

"What?" Sherlock asked, looking up from his laptop with a confused look on his face at the insinuation.

"Nothing. Just surprised. What did the message say?"

"You never found out Mary's background, correct?"

"I was at your parents' house. You knew what was going on."

"Initials were A. G. R. A."

The Inscrutible AuthorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora