Chapter 2

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It was silent for about 3 minutes, finally she spoke up.


"I am so sorry mom!! I know your Disappointed-"

"Who. Is. The. Father?" She almost yelled

"Austin, mom it w-was Austin Mahone."



"What are YOU going to do!?" I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say, it was summer so I could get a job but not for long.

"I am not killing these babies."


"What should I do mom!!!! You don't want me living here with kids!"

"Adoption, Crystal what about that?" She said in a calmer voice.

"You know that's not possible."

"And why not?"

"Think about it this way when u first looked and me could you ever give me up. The first time you look at a baby you fall in love with them, I might do the same thing to my kids." She looked at me as if saying I was right. I don't know what to do!!! I am so scared.

"What about your father?"

"Can you please tell him mom! Please I know you are upset with me and I don't want anyone else upset." She nodded

"I am not up set I am disappointed in you but not upset." With that she left the room.

Why does my family hate me!! I can't tell Austin not Alex or Robert either! They won't believe me.

"What are you going to do Crystal?" Asked Abby.

"I don't know I can only tell some people, that's you, and my family."

"What about Austin?" I stayed silent. I didn't know what to tell her.

"When was the last time u talk to him?"

I stared tearing up

"T-the day h-he le-ft, he won't a-answer h-h-his phone."

With at I began crying. Abby is a great friend, why because my other friends would judge me and Austin wouldn't believe me, and even if he did, would he want to be part of there lives?

Austin Mahone love story (babies)Where stories live. Discover now