chapter 15

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I woke up to find Jeff still asleep beside me. I poke his cheek but he didn't do anything. "Jeffrey Woods! Get up!" I whispered in his ear. He did nothing but put his hand over my mouth and went back to sleep. I moved his hand away then flicked his nose. He sighed then looked at me from the corner of his eye. "Nice to see you finally awake." I said while getting out of bed. "What did you want?" he asked while pulling the blanket back over him. "Oh nothin. I just wanted to spend some time with my boyfriend after waking up for who knows how long." I said it like it was obvious. He rolled his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. "I want to spend some time in the bed. Alone. By myself. With no annoying girlfriend who wants to spend the morning together when she should be sleeping." he said slowly going back to sleep.

"Did he just call you annoying?" asked evil me. "Yep. And he's not going to get away with it." I said. I walked over to the side he was sleeping on and hovered over him. "Jeffrey. I'm pregnant!" I yelled in his ear. He jumped up pushing me on the other side of the bed. "WHAT THE HELL! WHEN DID THIS HAPPENED? WHERE WAS I? HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN? WHO'S THE DADDY?" he yelled in my face. I hold my hands up in defense. "You are! Who else would be the baby's daddy?" I asked. Just then Chris came in the room staring at us then smirked after awhile. He ran away screaming "JUSTICE AND JEFF ARE HAVING SEX!" I looked at Jeff who was still staring at me shocked. "I was just kidding." I said after sighing.

"What?" he asked well more like growled at me. "I was just kidding. Can you get off me now?" I asked feeling highly uncomfortable with him on top of me. He sighed then got off me. "Don't ever say that again unless its true." he said going back to sleep. I sighed and decided to go back to sleep until I realized what Chris said. I got up and ran out the door right into my cousin. He had my riot gun in his hands. By the look on his face I could tell he was pissed. "Hey!" I said while getting back up. I hugged him but he didn't hug me back. Instead he growled. "Hey. I'm awake now. Did you miss me?" I asked. He pushed me aside and kicked the door down startling Jeff awake. "STAY AWAY FROM MY BABY!!!" he yelled while aiming the gun at him. Jeff jumped out the bed and held up his hands in defense. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" yelled Jeff. "THAT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE A GUILTY PERSON WOULD SAY!" he yelled back.

"Umm guys?" I asked trying to get their attention. "BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!" yelled Jeff. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER!?!? SHE'S ONLY FIFTEEN AND YOU GUYS AREN'T EVEN MARRIED!!!!" yelled my cousin. "Guys!" I said again but of course they ignored me. "I DIDN'T TOUCH HER!!" yelled Jeff. "THEN WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN THE BED TOGETHER!?!?" he yelled. "Guys!" I said a little louder. "WE WERE SLEEPING!!!" yelled Jeff. "Guys!!!" I said even louder. "WHAT!?!?" they both yelled at me. I'm going to admit that stung badly. So bad it made me start crying. "Never mind. Continue arguing with each other. Forget I was even here." I said while wiping the few tears off my face. I ran out the room crying. Everyone in the house looked at me but before they could do anything I ran out the house. To somewhere far away from there. I wanted to get away from them for awhile.

I got my wish by something putting me to sleep. I woke up hours later chained to a chair. I couldn't identify the room I was in because it was too dark. And when I say too dark I ment it. I couldn't even see my own body but I heard noises. "Why can't we just kill her?" said a feminine voice. "Because Master wants his Queen to be alive and well." said another feminine voice. "Don't question Master. After all if it wasn't for him. We all wouldn't have got our revenge." said a male voice. "He's right she is insane. I can smell it in her. She will be a fool if she declines Master's offer in marriage." said another male voice. "Quiet! She's awake." said the second one. I struggled trying to get out the chains keeping me in the chair. When I said I wanted to get away I didn't mean this. I managed to get the tape off my mouth by adding moisture to it. "My friends will find me before your pathetic Master gets here." I yelled. Suddenly I felt something cold and sharp against my neck.

"If you ever talk that way to our Master again I'll chop your pretty little head off." said the third person. "Zachary get back! We are not allowed to harm her." said the second girl. He sighed then moved the object away from my neck. "I'm sorry miss. He just doesn't like it when people talk bad to Master. Don't worry you'll love Master when he gets here." said the last one. I felt something as soft as fur tickling me. It made me laugh then the person that was tickling me bit my arm causing me to laugh even louder. It was strange. I could only laugh at whatever it was doing to me. I could feel something move in my body. It felt extremely painful but I only laughed. It stop making me whine. "Did it work?" ask Zachary. "Yes. It should be coming in a few days." said the last one. "Great now I can kill her!" said the first one. I herd her gasp and the rest growled. "Master said no harm comes to her. And that means no harm comes to her. He's using the other one to trick them. If you try to kill her we will not hesitate to kill you before you get in her personal space." the rest said at the same time. I could hear her crying. It sounded like music to my ears. "You would kill your own sister?" she asked. That had to hurt but right now I didn't care. I just wanted to feel the pain I was feeling again.

"Yes." they said. Then she screamed. Something wet splashed on me. It smelled familiar like something I was use to seeing. I licked the side of my face confirming what it was. It was her blood. "So do we keep her down here or what?" ask Zachary. "She wouldn't be able to walk anyway. And she can't move yet. So she'll stay right there." said the last one. "You watch her while he watch out for them." said the girl. "Don't screw up." said Zachary. I heard a door open and close. Then I heard someone dragging a chair beside me. Something touched the side of my face making me flinch. It wiped the blood of my face then poke my cheek. "Who are you?" I ask. "Zachary A. Williamson. One of many great loyal servants to my master. Your future husband." he said. He sighed then placed something on my mouth. "Drink it. You're probably thirsty." he said. I managed to knock the cup out his hand and sink my teeth into it. I wasn't craving a drink only blood for some reason. And his blood was surprisingly sweet. But what surprised me is that he moaned. "Damn it. He didn't say you would be doing this." he whispered. He didn't try to take his hand away though. "Master won't be pleased with this." he whispered. I couldn't focus on why I was doing it. I only knew it was sweet and I wanted more. "Please..... Stop." he begged.

I stop only to try to see him. When I didn't I bit into his hand again. "No wonder Master wants you..... Master will kill me when I do this." he said. I heard something clang then drop to the floor. I realized I could move my arms and hands again. (I'm going to try some fluff. If you liked it I will continue to try fluff.) He made me let go of his hand. "Miss please forgive me." he said then kissed me. I didn't want affection just his sweet blood so I bit his lip. He moaned again. I stopped then went to his neck trying to find his blood vain while he only moaned. I bit into his neck after I found it making him moan louder. "Thank you Zachary for feeding her." said a voice I hated. "You're welcome Master." he said. I growled and looked up. Zachary reached up and pulled me back to him. I tried not to bite him but I was still hungry. I bit back into him hearing him moan.

~Time skip to three hours later.~

Zachary was on the floor covered in bite marks to his head to his toe while panting. I was hovering over him watching as I seen only his smile. It was pretty but not the one I wanted to see. I leaned back down and bit his neck again. I was almost full but I didn't want to kill this guy so I stopped. He whined then sat up. He put me back on the chair and put back on his shirt. "Ummm..... Sorry about earlier." he said. "That's okay. Thank you for the blood." I said. "You know this might not happen again?" he asked. "It was worth it. I enjoyed drinking you." I said slowly going to sleep. I heard him walking away. "Sleep well my Queen." he said. I heard a door open and shut. After a couple of minutes I went to sleep.

~ The picture shows exactly how I felt after writing this. If you enjoyed it please let me know. ~

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