Guess Who's Coming!?

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Chapter 4

"Riles!" Maya yelled and Riley yawned. She had just got back from early work. She forced herself out of bed and walked downstairs in sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"Yeah Maya?" she yawned when she got downstairs.

"Guess whois coming to visit!?" Maya asked excitedly.

"Who?" Riley asked.

"Farkle and Mackenzie!" she told her.

"YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!" Riley cheered and jumped up and down.

"I'm so excited!" Maya said and Riley nodded.

"Huh?" Gracie asked as she came in from school.

"Uncle Farkle and Aunt Mackenzie are coming!" Riley told her daughter and picked her up.

"I never met them." she said.

"That's right she hasn't!" Maya realized. "You'll love them."

"Ok..." Gracie trailed off and RIley put her down. She ran up to her room with Riley and Maya following.

"Gracie Boo what's up?" Maya asked and leaned against the door frame.

"Well what of they don't like me? Some people don't like me." Gracie explained.

"Who doesn't like you?" Riley asked.

"This kid in my class names Nathan, but he doesn't like any girls." Gracie said making Maya and Riley laugh.

"They'll love you." Riley told her. Gravie just nodded pulling out her art supplies to color and draw. Maya and Riley left her alone getting everything prepared for Farkle and Mackenzie's visit.


Riley and Gracie stayed home as Maya and Josh went to get, who they thought would be Mackenzie, Farkle, and Hayden. But they thought wrong.

"Farkle! Mackenzie!" maya cheered and ran in, but stopped.

"You?" her and Josh asked shocked.

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