Ch 18 The Plan

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Allan's POV:

I knew Lily wasn't thinking straight so I followed her when she sped away. I saw the truck, I honked the horn but when she responded it was too late. She lost control of the car and it drove through a road barrier and down a hill. I drove to over to the edge of the road and turned my car off. While I was running down the hill towards her, I called Daniel and had him call the gang doctor and the normal group of Alex, Matt, Daniel, and Scott. He said they would meet me at the crash in ten minutes. When I got to the car I saw the airbags opened and Lily was unconscious leaned her head on the steering wheel airbag.

"Crap! " I couldn't open the car door.

"Allan! Stop!" Scott shouted pulled me from the car window that I was trying to smash.

"No! I have to get her out! I can't lose her too! " I panicked.

"Mate, you're just hurting yourself, the glass is bulletproof. " Daniel reasoned as some men from the gang began cutting the car.

When they finally got her out, the gang doc ordered the men to put her on the stretcher I didn't realize was there, then they took her to the medic van that we have.

It was a normal electricians van that we converted into a small ambulance, without the sirens of course. Then Lily's uncles dad built a hospital under the gang house since no one from the gang can go to an actual hospital without getting arrested.

We surrounded the medic van and escorted it back to the house, where the doc started working on her immediately.

Once again I became leader of the gang. I couldn't force myself to inform the entire gang on what happened, but I had no choice. I ordered Matt and Alex to gather everyone immediately and to meet up at the underground safe house. It's on the outskirts of the town but underground. That's why the cops that live to hunt is down still haven't found us. Lilys uncles dad was a genius. It really seems to run in the family.

Once everyone was there I walked up to the front of the crowd with Matt on my right and Alex on my left. I cleared my throat and the murmurs from the crowd disappeared as everyone fell silent.

"As you all know, something has happened to Lily." I started and people began to whisper again. "She was in a car accident, she is in surgery right now. We don't have any information on her condition as of right now, but we do know that she won't be able to lead for a while, therefore I will be the person you answer to until she is well again. " I concluded.

"Who did this to her? " one boy called out.

"It was a hit and run. Daniel has delegated the job to his best men to find the person who did this." Matt answered.

"What is Daniel doing then? " one of the girls asked. "Shouldn't he be on the job that concerns his boss? " she accused as a chorus of agreements echoed into the night air.

"Daniel has some other problems the he must take care of. It was Lily's order before the crash happened, therefore he has to see the job through. " I explained.

"Can you tell us what he is doing that is so important?" someone else asked.

"That's classified, I'm sorry, that's the way Lily wanted to keep the assignment. " Alex said before I could.
"I'm sorry, but that's all for now, we will let you know how she is doing when we find out. " I said before we could be questioned even more.

Once Matt, Alex, and I walked to the office in the safe house, I turned to them.

"Matt, stay with Daniel, I need updates on Jace, Blake, and our mystery driver."

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