#38: Title when you make a story about BTS/Exo

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The title is so long, I knoe.

It's 'Title when you make a story about BTS/Exo'

#Aries - 'My Baby Alien'

#Taurus - 'I Hate His Chin'

#Gemini - 'He Got No Jams'

#Cancer - 'Monster's Revenge'

#Leo - 'My Baby Lu and I'

#Virgo - 'Jungkook's Big Nose'

#Libra - 'Chicken Is Not His Style'

#Scorpio - 'Sweg'

#Sagittarius - 'My Hot Kim-Jongin'

#Capricorn - 'Baekhyun's Secret Dress Found At The Hotel'

#Aquarius - 'JHope's Life As Horse'

#Pisces - 'Mr. Snobber's Eagle Eyes'

Waa! I'm a fan.

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