"Oh god Louis." A female voice called to him.

"Charlavoy?" Louis asked confused. He ran to her and she held him her arms. Though Louis didn't fully understand anything that had happens in the last six hours, Char was familiar and familiar was safe. For now.

"You just ruined my fun," Harry whined from the corner. Louis hadn't even seen him there; he wondered how long he'd been standing there watching. If Harry had summoned the demon himself from the lake to attack Louis.

"Fun! Is this your idea of fun you asshole? He could have gotten hurt! You promised he wouldn't." Char yelled.

"Watch who you're talking to, I've told you time and time again," Harry said rolling his eyes.
"Besides, I said, I wouldn't hurt him."

"Char, what's happening?" Louis whimpered in her ear.

"I'll explain later, please don't hate me." She whispered back. Char turned her head in Harry's direction.

"Let me take him to my room and talk to him, you keeping him trapped in here isn't going to help him. Not in the state he's in." Char tried to reason, but Harry was stubborn.

"No, it's not up to you what happens with him. He's mine." Harry said narrowing his eyes at the pair.

"You're taking all the fun out of this, I've waited 16 years. Now, you think you can come in and start telling me how to run things? I don't think so." He laughed, throwing his head back.

"He deserves the truth," Char said. "I may probably be the only one he trust at this moment."

"That is until you tell him the truth." Harry turned to Louis, "boy has she been lying to you."

Louis' breath hitched, the thought of Char. His best friend. Lying and keeping secrets, made him sick to his stomach. They'd told each other everything for as long as he could remember. Now, he didn't know what he could or couldn't believe. He didn't want to think about any off that right now. Louis clung to Char as if she was his lifeline. Harry looked at them for a moment and finally rolled his eyes.

"Fine," He sighed. "He can go, but I want him back in time for dinner."

Char wasted not time grabbing Louis' hand, stumbling down the staircase, and out into the hallway. She lead him past a fountain in the shaped of four snakes twisted together, bulging ruby eyes, with their mouths open spouting water. They ran past a girl with thick brown hair, her glasses on the bridge of her nose as she eyed them curiously. They ran down a hall of paintings. One caught Louis' eyes. A woman smiling down fondly at a newborn baby, but he didn't have time to admire it. Char lead him into a room much smaller than Harry's, but big nonetheless.

"Ask me anything." She breathed out trying to catch her breath, pulling Louis down to a neatly made bed.

"W-what's going on." Louis chocked out. He started to cry, again, breaths chocked and eyes red.

Char sighed, "Your mom was young, stupid, and in love. She made a deal with someone she shouldn't have. In the end, when you turned sixteen you became his property  in a way. Him being Harry." She explained quickly. The way she broke it down made it all sound so simple.

"I know all of this already, no need to keep hearing it. How-how did you get here?" Louis asked, wiping his nose with the end of his sweater

Char swallowed and looked away in shame. "Remember that time when I ran away?" She paused to see if Louis was following. He nodded.

"I went into the woods, fell, and broke my ankle. I don't remember how long I was there crying and screaming. No one seemed to hear me. Suddenly Harry appeared." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before continuing.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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