His name in your contacts

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Scott - His Mum does all the grocery shopping

A clear reference of that time where Jackson asked him where he was getting his juice from and Scott replied My Mum does all the grocery shopping which you found the cutest thing ever and you put it there to tease him.

Stiles - The only human in beacon hills

You love to tease Stiles that he's basically the only human in his pack as well as pretty much the only human in Beacon Hills. He of course hates it but he loves you so he allows it.

Derek - Sour Wolf

Derek is the grumpiest wolf of them all so when Stiles called him a sourwolf you couldn't help but call Derek anything else but it. Also when you call him it he gives you the biggest death glare ever which only causes you to say it more, you love how cute he looks when he gets annoyed.

Isaac - Scarfy McScarfson

You couldn't help but laugh when everybody made fun of Isaac that one time he wore a scarf but you couldn't help but think the looked rather cute in it. So you changed his contact name as a little remider of him in the scarf as well to annoy the life out of him.

Liam - Not a monster

When Liam first turned he thought he was a monster and he feared that you would see him that way but you didn't. So you named his contact name that so he knew you didn't think of him as monster and after that you haven't changed it since.

Parrish - Hot stuff

When you first saw Jordan you couldn't help but notice how hot he was then you found he was a hellhound and that he lit up in flames you qucikly made his contact name become 'hotstuff' because you couldn't find anything more accurate.

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