Chapter 25 - just frieands

Start from the beginning

"I'm waiting for you, my love" then there was a loud noise, followed by a crash. I could hear glass shattering.

"Sam! Sammy, what's going on!" Tears started streaming down my cheeks

"Fuck!" I slammed my phone on the nightstand, gripping my fingers in my hair.

"What happened?" Justin asked

"I don't know, he was drunk and-and standing by the highway, then there was a loud noise and glass shattering and-and" I broke down in tears, I couldn't hold them back

He's too young to die. He can't die, I can't let that happen. I have this feeling that he's not okay. I need to see him.

My phone broke me from my thoughts as it began to ring again.

"Hello?" My breathing was uneven

"Hi, this is officer smith. You were the last call mr wilkinson made before the accident. We need to see you at the hospital immediately"

"Okay, I'll be right there. Is he okay?" I sniffed

"He's fine, just some minor injuries"

"I'm on my way now" I hung up and quickly grabbed some things

Justin and I rushed out of my house and to my car.


"I'm here to see Samuel wilkinson" I told the middle aged woman at the front desk

"I'm sorry, family members only"  she looked back down at her computer screen

"I need to see him!" I slammed my hands on the desk

A doctor came to the front desk "are you Cameron Jeffries?"

"Yes, I am"

"Right this way"

I glared at the receptionist as I walked away. The doctor led Justin and I through the halls, finally coming to a stop.

"Can I see him?" I asked

"Yes, but I need to ask you some questions first" he spoke "has Samuel even been in a car accident before?"

"No, never" I shook my head

"Is he an alcoholic?"

"No, but he tends to drink when he's stressed" I tapped my foot becoming impatient

"Is he allergic to anything?"


The doctor nodded his he'd, writing on his clipboard. " you may go and see him, just don't startle him" the doctor walked away

I turned around and hugged Justin tight. He stayed out in the hall, knowing that if he went in, Sam would probably hurt himself even more.

I walked in, quietly closing the door behind me. "Sam..." I whispered looking him over

His left arm and right leg had a cast on it. There were cuts and bruises all over his other arm, leg, and face. I began to tear up again, the sight was heartbreaking.

"Cameron" he breathed

I gently hugged his neck. "Oh my god. What were you doing?" I asked frantically

"I was waiting on you, hoping you would come back. When I got in my car, I guess I turned to early and I got hit" a small smile formed in his lips

"Sammy, this isn't funny. I thought you were killed" I cried, my chest restricted with pain.

"Cameron I'm fine"

"Sammy, look at you! Your arm and leg is broken, you have cuts and bruises everywhere and you probably can't move!"

"I just wanted to know if you still cared for me..."

"Of course i still care for you. If you were to die in the wreck, how do you think I would feel. I'd blame myself everyday that you're gone. I just wish it was me instead of you in that accident" there was no point in wiping away tears, more would just slip anyway.

"Then why'd you leave me for Justin?" He whispered

"Sammy I-"

"I know he's out there, why wouldn't he be" Sam sighed "I still love you and I always will, Cameron" he turned his head the other direction

"I'm sorry" tears flowed down my cheeks

"I think you should leave..."

"This is exactly why, I may love you, but the things you do to me, piss me off to the point where I wanna commit suicide. Do you not realize how hurt I am right now?"

He stayed silent

"You probably don't even fucking care" I mumbled

I turned around and walked away. When I reached the door, I stopped for a second debating on whether I should stay or not.

I shouldn't

I walked out the door, trying to dry my face. I'd seen just stand up from the lounging chairs. He wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my head

"You okay?" Justin asked

I sniffled a little and wiped my eyes "I'm fine"

"It's gonna be okay" he rubbed my back, kissing my forehead

We walked to the exit of the hospital and going back to my car.

I never realized how special someone could be to you, until you almost lose them forever. It's never a good feeling, it's down in the pit of your stomach and it makes you feel sick. Your heart restricts in your chest and you can't breathe. Then once that persons lose yourself. Nothing matters anymore, you feel as if you have no reason to be alive and wish they'd come back. But deep down inside your heart, you know that you're never going to see them again and that's what hurts the most...

End notes

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