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☁️Chloe Gilinsky
-The next day-
I went out for a quick run in the morning and when I got home and I found a note on the table :
I left to the studio not gonna sleep over today come by tomorrow
Love you,
I sighed and went to my room. I've known Sammy forever and his passion is music and I'm not gonna stop him. Kylie was on my bed crying.

I threw my bag and ran to her.
"Oh my god Kylie what's wrong are you hurt?" I said worried sick.
"My mom got in a car accident. And she didn't make it" she said as she cried harder. Then it hit me. Kris. Is dead. The mother I never had. Is dead. I just broke down in tears and hugged Kylie. This must be really hard for her.

"I'm so sorry Kylie" I said wiping the endless tears running down my face. "It's not your fault." She said trying to give me a weak smile. "Does anyone know?" I asked referring to Kim, Khloe, Kourt, Kendall, Rob, Brody, and Brandon. "No they called them no one picked up their phone." She's the youngest she shouldn't be the first to know.

"Wait not even Bruce?" I asked. "No."
"Get dressed I'll wait here were going to Kim's house." I said "okay" she said trying to stop her self from crying. Seeing my bestfriend cry broke my heart. I know what it's like to lose someone close to you. I lost my mom when I was 14.

I called Khloe and told her to get everyone to meet us at the Kim's house. Kylie came she was putting on her boots. I decided to text Sammy.
To Sammy💜:
I won't stop by tomorrow I'll be sleeping over at Kim's house I won't be answering my phone tell G. Bye love you.
From Sammy💜:
Who is this?
To Sammy💜:
Your girlfriend Chloe, Sammy I have no time for games.
From Sammy💜:
I'm Sammy's girlfriend wtf.
To Sammy💜:
Nate stop fucking around this is serious give Sammy his phone.
From Sammy💜:
Who the fuck is Nate?
To Sammy💜:
Where are you?
From Sammy💜:
I'm at the club.
To Sammy💜:
Tell Sammy we are over. Tell him not to talk to me.
From Sammy💜:
Sammy says you were never a thing. And he says your a bitch.

I blocked his number. His words don't hurt me I've been called worse.

"Kylie common lets go." I said. I grabbed Kylie and got her a water before we went. We got in the car and Kylie said "Talk to me. What's wrong?"

I don't want her to feel bad for me. She's going through a lot. And me telling her that will just make her mad. She always hated Sammy. She thinks he is a fuckboy. And right now I couldn't agree with her more.

"I'll tell you later I promise you" I told Kylie. "Okay"

After we arrived I told everyone to sit down. And Kylie stood.
"Guys this is gonna be really hard for you it is even to me but you guys have to be really strong." I started tearing up. "Kris is gone."

I loved her a lot. "What no is this some kind of prank? Please tell me your kidding." Said Kim. "Im sorry." Everyone broke down in tears. Everyone got affected real bad.

It was now midnight. Everyone's eyes were bloodshot red. And Sammy was making everything worse right now. He kept texting me from jacks phone.

I was so angry I just threw my phone and it shattered. I needed some fresh air. "Guys I'm going for a walk outside." I said. "I'll go with you" said Kourt.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I told her about Sammy and everything it made me glad that I can open up to her a lot. She had a look of disgust on her face. I chuckled. "Yeah I know."

"Listen to me Chloe I'm gonna give you advice and I need you to be careful. Love yourself so hard that when someone treats you wrong you recognize it. You don't need a man. Your a strong independent women who doesn't need a man. I love you so much we all love you your a part of our family. If you ever need anything you can talk to me okay?" "I love you a lot you guys made me feel wanted your the best that has ever happened to me thank you so much"

I hugged her and we went inside. Everyone was a sleep. I got a blanket and pillow and got comfortable. This is my second home. If I'm not out with friends I'm usually here or at the mall.

Today has been a really stressful day. And I drifted into a long dreamless sleep.
word count : 805
I finally updated I had a lot going on and I also have exams coming up I'll try my best to update more often. Love you,
-R 👅

Honesty • S.W (discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ