Chapter 12:Mission

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It's been a few months.

Me and Josh are on a mission. Apparently Josh can see into the future. He explained to me that there was going to be a party and a teenaged girl was going to help us fight the Nitave terrorists.

Josh parks the car in a driveway where the house party is at. It's a large two-story home and I can hear the rock music from here.

" Anything else you saw? What does she look like?" I ask urgently.

" Blond hair, blue eyes and she will be wearing black jeans and a white shirt that says ' I Love Canada'." Josh explains.

" I'm going to go to sleep." I tell him, I lie my head on the dashboard.

" WHAT?!" Josh asks in shock. " I thought you were going to scout her out for me."

" I was just curious about what she looks like." I say. I look at the digital clock of the SUV we stole, it's 11:05 A.M.

Josh sighs and leaves out the door. I close me eyes.



I leave Alan in the truck. I teleport inside, arriving inside the living room.

" What the hell?" A teenaer boy asks, confused. I appeared right in front of him.

I ignore the teenager and advance into the crowd. There are about fifty people here. Girls stare as I walk past, obviously because of my looks. Then I see her- long blonde hair and blue eyes. She's wearing the pants and the shirt that was in my vision.

The girl is sitting alone, looking uncomfortable. I have no idea how I'm going to approach her. The precognition was "Fast-Foward". I saw a sign that said l," Welcome to Dallas, Texas". Then it forwarded to the blonde girl at a party, then her being at my house, then her training with me and Alan in the backyard of my house.

" Hello." I say, a hint of nervousness in my voice.

" Hey." She says, her voice is dull.

I sit next to her. She begins to stare at me.

" So are you a sophomore too?" She asks.

" Junior." I say.

"Cool." She exclaims.

She moves closer to my face, our nose nearly touching. Then she kisses me, I pull away. No girls, focus on the mission. I scold myself.

" Why did you do that?" I ask.

" You're cute." Her breathe smells like alcohol.

" What if I told you that there are terrorists from a universe different from ours, that they are planning in conquering Earth?" I ask, I'm desperately trying to get my vision to come true. It's pointless because my visions always come true.

" I d-don't know what you m-mean." She replies, her head falling on my legs.

This is my chance. I take her hand and we teleport outside. She's passed out. I gently place her in the SUV. Alan is asleep. I stare at her a bit.

While shaking my head I say," Snap out of it, Josh."

Then I climb into the truck and start it. I just kidnapped this girl, I hope she's not going to miss someone. I begin the long drive back to Florida. Hours later, Alan wakes up. The girl lets out a noisy exhale of breathe, causing Alan to look back at her.

" Dude I hope you have a plan, you just kidnapped her." Alan says, scolding me.

" Don't worry." I say. I really don't have a plan.

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