Chapter Four: The truth comes out

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"Really?" I asked, shocked that Dean had admitted it. He nodded and began to explain.

"Rachel, how much do you know about your mom's side of the family?"

"Not really anything. I've never met them. I'm not even sure there is anyone."

"Your mom and her family were hunters. Like ours" said Dean referring to Sam and himself, "Your mom and I met because our dads, your grandfathers, worked a big case together. Normally a case lasts about a week or two at the most, but this one was not the usual status. Our dads worked this one for two months. We were in Nevada, Elko, to be exact. That's where Aubrey and I met. She was taking down shape shifter in the back alley of a bar. I thought it was attacking her so I jumped in, then I saw the gun in her hand and understood. Well we got talking and things took off from there." Dean set down his beer, "Our Dad and her's decided to team up to take down what they were hunting. In the spare time, well, it's not too hard to figure out what your mom and I were up to." He motioned with his hands towards me.

"Of course. It all makes sense now." I said remembering the story mom used to tell me about how they had met. I looked from Dean to Sam.

"I'm sure it answers some questions," Sam said, "But what was it that made Aubrey suddenly send you packing to look for us? Dean didn't even know you existed." It was now my turn to explain why I was here.

I took in a breath of air, "Two days ago is when it started. Well, I can't really say that for a fact, but that's when it started for me. It was an normal morning, jamming out to classic rock." Dean smirked a bit, "Getting ready to go to school, I went through my normal routine like every day of my life. It was Mom's birthday so when I went to get gas for my Bug and I got her a present. When I got to school things started going south. I got my ipod taken away then got in a fight after school."

"A fight? As in?" asked Dean

"A full out brawl with the queen bitch of my school. I beat the shit out of her." I grinned smuggly and lifted up my bangs, "That's where I got this lovely little scratch. Her perfect nails. Anyways I got what is called "In School Suspension" and Mom had to come get me. She was furious with me and yelled at me when we got home. She had never done that. I felt guilty because it was her birthday." I sighed, "I went to my room then climbed out on the roof trying to clear my head, naturally, with more music. She actually climbed up there with me and we talked, after we had resolved things a black van pulled up in front of the house and about 7 or so guys got out." I paused with a shudder remembering the night that was forever burned into my mind.

"Mom started acting weird and then I saw it. I don't think I'll ever forget it..."

"Rachel, did they have black eyes? Completely black?" asked Sam. I nodded  in response.

"They kicked in the front door and mom told me to run. To get as far away from town as I could. I drove for hours and waited for her to call me. To tell me it was okay. That it was a dream. I didn't hear anything from her and I couldn't help but turn back and go home. They all had left and my mom was dying in the front room. That's when she told that you were alive that everything I thought I knew about my dad was a lie. That I needed to find you. That you could help me. Keep me safe."

I shook my head in confusion, "She told me that I was valuable and that those...those demons had been looking for me and that if they found me they would kill me." I felt a tear roll down my face and wiped it away quickly. "I just don't know what to do..." I looked up at Dean and Sam, "You guys are apparently all I have left and are my only chance. Those bastards killed my mom and I can't stop until they are dead. You've got to help me. Even if its teaching me a few things on how to handle myself out there, it's better than nothing. Then I'll be gone on my way and you'll never have to think of me again."

"Now hold on a minute there kid," said Dean, "No one said anything about sending you out there on your own. You'll die the first time you try to take on something like that." Dean shook his head.

"Your mom was right." said Sam in agreement,"You are valuable, I mean if you can do what you did with that woman in white tonight to other things, the demons will be moving mountains to get their hands on you." He looked at Dean, "She has to come with us, Dean. And not only that but she's family. Your kid."

I looked from Sam to Dean. I didn't know what to expect from any of this. Dean walked over and sat down next to me, looking me straight in the eyes, an exact reflection.

"Rachel, you understand that if you come with us there is no way you can ever go back. You'll become a hunter and there is no other home than that Impala." He motioned towards the outside.

"I can't go back.. At least this way I'll get a fighting chance." I understood what this could lead to but what other choice did I have? Stay and wait to die or fight for a chance to live? On a side note, I also was excited to be in my dream car, but that was besides the point. That was a major perk, well besides being with my dad and uncle.

It was in my blood to be a hunter after all, fourth generation apparently.

Dean smiled, "Go get your stuff kid, then come back inside." I got up off the bed and headed for the door, but I paused and turned back around.

"Quick question, what was that you shot at the woman in white? I thought only salt worked on ghosts not guns?"

Sam laughed, "We'll explain it all to you gradually, but those were rock salt guns."

"Oh, "I said fathoming the idea. I shrugged,"Okay." I went outside and popped the trunk of my Bug getting out my duffel bag and the cardboard box. As I was getting my stuff I couldn't help but feel that I was being watched. I turned around and scanned the area with my eyes. I shrugged it off for the time being and got all my stuff out of the car, including my cassettes and the little stuff that mattered to me. I knew, we would be getting rid of my car, most likely tomorrow before we left, but it would be okay. I knew this was the way it was supposed to go. I carried my few belongings into the hotel room, but not without one last backwards glance at the road with that feeling still lingering slightly on my shoulders.

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