I See You

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The man stood there, watching them. He knew. He knew they weren't normal. And he knew they were who he had come here for.
He pulled out his out-dated flip-phone, which shined in the dim sunset light. He dialed the society's number and waited for an answer.
"What is it soldier?". Came a deep, monotone voice from the other side.
The man's raspy, unbalanced voice answered, "I want approval. I have located Vladimir Tod and Snow Mitchell. Permission to engage?".
"No. Observe and gather as much information as possible. These targets cannot be underestimated. Contact at a later date, after more information has been acquired."
"Understood. Good evening." When he finished talking, he noticed the other man had already hung up. Pissed and disappointed, the man slammed his phone shut, and shoved it into one of his many pockets.
'I'll get you soon enough' was the last thought he had before turning and walking away, mere moments after the targets had left.
All the while, tossing the same two sided coin into the air and catching it, the words Slayer Society shining in the pink light.

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: College Sucks Book 1Where stories live. Discover now