Chapter 31: Truth Or Dare

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"Love me or not, you will never get me if you don't keep up."


After torturous hours with Kaize, you have finally decided to head to Lucky Cat Cafe for a sweet break from your hectic life. Being busy about sorts, troubling yourself with your family's problem, and pressuring yourself with the work you left behind Canila kept you from visiting the Cafe you loved for so long, it was nearly death for you not seeing the gang, aunt Cass and most of all, Tadashi. But now you finally got a chance to a quick stop by the cafe and the thought of having cold ice tea for your thirsty tongue was just pleasuring to your mentality.

When you got there, you were not so surprised to see aunt Cass tending tons of customers in her small yet busy Cafe. She went back ad forth to every table, like a busy bee that she has always been. The Cafe was more packed and busy than usual and you were beginning to doubt if aunt Cass can even handle such crowd by herself, considering she was aging and she handled the Cafe by herself, having rare helps from her nephews.

"Aunt Cass, need some help?" You asked, not bothering to greet her for you were too busy worrying about her health.

Aunt Cass faced you, a soft smile painted upon her brims. "Oh, hello (Y/N)! Thanks for asking but I can handle this myself. You can join the gang upstairs, they're kinda expecting you." She said, giving you a tired smile.

You flashed her a not so sure look. "Okay, if you say so." You took a step on the staircase, still watching aunt Cass busy herself in her own Cafe. She was lying of course for your sake. You can clearly see the exhaust she's enduring to take care of her Cafe and the boys.

"Listen up, people!" You hollered and everyone faced your direction, including some people right outside the cafe. "Cut Cass some slack, please! She only has two hands and a pair of feet! The least you can do to her is be kind to her and don't stress her! She's only a human, not freaking super man."

Everyone was silent, and it continued as you began walking upstairs. As soon as you opened the door to the Hamada's room, you saw the whole gang sitting on the floor in a semi circle, a spot reserved for you, as though they were already expecting you to come. When they heard the door creak open, the gang all beamed at the sight of you and greeted you.

"You made it to the game, (Y/N)!" Ynna exclaims, standing up and embracing you tightly. You swore there was a split second where you died due to Ynna's strong bear hug but you were bright back to life almost in an instant.

"Game? What game?" You asked, sitting on the green fluffy bean bag at the corner of the room.

Tadasi replied, "We're playing truth or dare. We're just getting started and your timing was good. We need another person to play with us to take Gogo's place."

You shook your head, waving your hand in a dismissive manner. "Thanks but not thanks. I think I have enough fun for today." You said.

"Why? Did you do or go somewhere earlier? I demand details!" Honey interjected, leaning closer to your face.

"It's a secret." You said, placing a finger on your lips and sending Honey a playful wink.

"Hey Gogo, play with them." You said, facing Gogo Tomago who was busy chewing on her bubble gum on Tadashi's bed.

"Nah, I don't wanna play. I'm bored of that same old game." She replies bluntly, popping her gum. "You're just scared." You teased.

"I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm not."

Mean Heart (Sequel to Tadashi Hamada X reader, Loving My Rival)Where stories live. Discover now