Twelve: First Date

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My alarm clock rings, loud enough to pull me up from my dream land. I rub my eyes as I try to reach for the annoying alarm clock. Today is Saturday and why am I woken up by this stupid device?


I've got a date with Monique! A date. Yeah. I need to get up now and prepare.

I even went online last night to search for things to do on a date. Well, it isn't a real date. It's like friends hanging out thing. But I want to make it feel like a date

Right now, it's 8:30am and I am brushing my teeth absent-mindedly as my mind is far away from my body. I am thinking about the things to do with Monique later. I really hope that she would like it. If not, I would get another cross on the list.

"Ellie, why are you so early?" Mom asks when she sees me coming out from my room.

She's preparing breakfast for my sister who is having tuition later on. I rub my face lazily and get myself a cup of water.

"I'm going out with Monique later. Can you give me some money?"

"Monique? Is it the girl you brought to our shop that day?" She asks as she reaches for her purse.

I take the money she gives and thank her. She has given me more than enough for our date later on. I wash up the cup and retreat back to my room to take a quick bath.

The warm water runs over my tired body and washes away the fatigue.

"Sister, I am going for tuition now. Bye!" I hear Camille shouting from outside the bathroom.

"Okay! Take care, bye!" I shout back and chuckle a little. She's such an adorable sister to have.

After half an hour or so, I'm done with bath. I wrap the towel around my body and walk over my closet.

What should I wear? Is shorts too casual? Will I be overdressed if I wear a dress? But, wouldn't it be weird if I wore dress to hang out with a girl-friend? Will she find me weird?

Finally, after a good ten minutes of deciding on what to wear, I pick out a white singlet along with a black cardigan and a floral white shorts with cherry red belt. I'm casual yet okay. I think.

I tie my hair up in a loose ponytail and brush my fringe neatly. My face looks a little puff up because I drank too much water last night.

Hastily, I take out the foundation and put it on my face gently. I hope I look nice.

Time check, 9:38am. I quickly grab my sling bag along with my phone and leave the house. I'm wearing sneakers that's why I can speed walk to the bus stop.

Luckily, the bus arrives just when I reach the bus stop. It's 9:43am now. I think I will still have plenty of time left waiting for Monique later since the bus ride to interchange takes only 5 minutes.

I tap my finger on the window nervously. I'm on a date with Monique. Can you believe it?

Just like what I have predicted, the bus reaches the interchange at 9:52am so that means I still have eight minutes left. I walk over to the seats at the interchange and sit down. My heart is beating wildly. As time goes by, my palms start to get wet and clammy.

9:59am. One minute left but I haven't spotted her yet. Maybe she's still walking.

I wait for a while more and take out my phone to check the time. It's 10:07am now. Has she forgotten about it?

I decide to stand up and walk around for a while more. If she still hasn't appeared, I will just go home.

"Ellie!" I hear someone calling out from the back. I recognize the voice.

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