Chapter One - Face At The Window

Start from the beginning

Sophie stuck out her tongue, and then her face fell, catching his expression.

“You’re serious?” she blinked.

Her father nodded. “It’s…all rather sudden. I’m sorry, darling.”

“What’s happened?” Sophie demanded. “What’s gone wrong?”

Her father shrugged. “Absolutely no idea. Did I trick you?”

Sophie gaped at him. “You weren’t serious at all?”

“Not a bit,” he said, cheerfully. “Come on to the kitchen. I feel like a cup of coffee.”

Still indignant, Sophie allowed herself to be led into the kitchen, sat on a chair and handed a biscuit.

“Excuse me?” she blinked. “I’m allowed to eat between meals now?”

Her mother put her hands on her hips. “Only if I don’t notice, you are.”

Sophie threw the biscuit in her mouth hastily, taking the much needed sugar to sustain her maths-exhausted brain.

“So,” she looked at her parents. “What’s this surprise?”

Her parents smiled at one another.

“How would you like a pet, Sophie?” her father asked her.

Sophie stared. “A dog?” she begged. “Can I really?”

“I’m not sure Sebastian would like a dog,” her father said, doubtfully.

“He wouldn’t mind,” Sophie begged. “Please? A spaniel? One of the ones with the floppy ears?”

“We’re not getting a dog, Sophie,” her mother said, firmly.

Sophie sighed. “Hamster? Guinea pig? Mouse?”

“Nope. Nothing that small.”

“Horse?” Sophie pleaded.

Her father burst out laughing. “You’re on the wrong track entirely. How about a little brother or sister?”

Sophie stared. “What…really?”

Her mother nodded. “I’m pregnant, Sophie.”

“Wow!” Sophie squealed. “That’s amazing!”

“Isn’t it?” her mother laughed. “You don’t mind?”

“Mind?” Sophie cried, hugging her tightly. “Why should I mind?”

The Necromancer Trilogy: ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now