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Wt is love?
The feeling which sometimes makes you feel that your at the top of the world or sometimes that your on a boat which has forgotten its navigation or sometimes as to the forever land of lonliness from where you can't ever get back ..... you can't reach to the land of people or the ones you love ..... you drift far away from them just bcoz you care for one person and only to know at the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go ....

Love is when he walks near you, you forget to breath as he stands besides you and smiles ..... you watch his deep dimple which makes his smile look fuller .... the way he talk to you, it feels special even tho he has the same normal aura around everyone ..... when he hugs you .... you feel the electricity flow through which can just be felt when he touches you ..... walking with him makes dragons growl in your stomach .... the time when you try to run away from him but his gym skills help him to catch you..... the way he catches you from behind and roll you in his arms makes you blush, the feeling that can't be expressed but just can be felt .....

Love is the feeling which can make your life and even it can break it ... love dosent comes to everyone it is just for few lucky ones.


Yay! So this is the start ... if you guys like it plzz .. comment and vote ... it means the world to me ... luv you always

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