Big Sister Challenge

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The Overview: The challenge is to create a family, consisting of one big teenage sister, and a child, of whatever gender you'd like. Unless you have a mod, then you cannot have children alone on a lot, so just add a mother or father and isolate them in a room until they starve to death. The goal is for the bigger sister to earn money and raise her little sibling.

The Rules:
•The teenager must be a female, but the child can be whatever gender you'd like.
•The you must start out with a 20x15 bulldozed (empty) lot.
•The siblings must not interact with anyone else but teenagers and children, no adults or elders, until the older sister grows into an young adult.
•The older sister is not allowed to go to school, but the little sibling can.
•The older sister can have a job, but it's not required, you can make money through hobbies, ie. painting, writing, gardening, etc
•When you start out in the empty lot, you are allowed to spend 6,000 simoleons building and furnishing the house.
•The house must contain the following: 2 bedrooms (one per sibling), 1 kitchen, 1 study (for hobbies and homework), 1 bathroom. If you have remaining money you may spend it on a living area only.
•You may spend 1,000 simoleons building and furnishing a garden, containing at least 2 potter boxes. And leftover simoleons can be used to add more to the garden.
•The lot must be in Oasis Springs
•The Sim Lifespan must be long.
•Must kill the mother or father sim.
•The mother or father is allowed to come back as ghosts and interact with their children.
•You can travel free of charge, but avoid conversation with adults or elders unless the teenager has reached the young adult age.
•The teenager can create relationships, such as lovers and enemies if you choose to do so, but they are not allowed to have children until the teenager turns a young adult.
•You are allowed to move houses if you please, and have the funds.
•The younger sibling may not move out at all, unless he or she dies.

The Bigger Sister:
•Must be a female teenager
•Must have the Big Happy Family aspiration
•Can have any traits

The Little Sibling:
•Can be any gender child
•Can have any aspiration and any traits

The Parent(s):
•You can create only the mother or the father, or both if you desire.
•The parent(s) can have any aspirations of traits.

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