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Once we've endured the 7 hour flight and the almost 3 hour coach trip to Afton Alps Ski Resort it's practically night time. We all wait impatiently in the lobby for Mr Newman to come back with our room assignments. I rest my head on Isaac's shoulder as my eyes begin to flutter shut. It's actually only 6pm but after waking up at 2am and then sitting in those uncomfortable plane chairs whilst Isaac snores his head off, I'm not exactly loving life.

"When do we hit the slopes?" My annoyingly rejuvenated brother says excitedly.

"Hopefully tomorrow" I groan, half asleep already.

"Come on sis! Liven up!" He says jumping up and down, making my head bang against his boney shoulder multiple times.

"Yeah Luna, liven up. Word on the street is that Newbie is an extremely heavy sleeper; once he's down he doesn't wake up for anything." My best friend Jack says wrapping his arm around my shoulders, moving my head onto his shoulder.

"And?" I ask suspiciously.

"Apparently one of the lads is planning to have a party type thing in his room. I managed to snag you an invite."

"Wow, how gentlemanly of you" I laugh looking up at him. He runs a hand through his short blonde hair, the candle lit room making his baby blue eyes pop more than usual.

"Well you aren't exactly selling yourself looking like Michelin man"

"This isn't by choice" I roll my eyes.

"Hey don't roll your eyes at me, I'm not the one who said it." He holds his hands up in surrender.

Seconds later, before I can respond, Mr Newman appears, clipboard in hand and throat cleared. He reads out a list of names until he reaches the final few names. "Jack Johnson, Isaac Allcroft and Cameron Dallas.. room 103." Who's Cameron Dallas? Never heard of him. I look around to see if anyone has responded to the announcement. No one seems to have a reacts aside from Saac and Jack who high five dramatically. "Sawyer Hoff, Alexa Maybury and Luna Allcroft.. room 104."

We all nod and grab our things making our way to our rooms. I knew I wouldn't be with Isaac; it's all girl-all boy rooms- even though we were raised in the same womb they'd still accuse us of behaving inappropriately. Before we started high school, we were known around town as the incest twins. Don't ask me why, apparently the rumour was that when our parents weren't looking we used to make out with each other; none of it is true of course. That's weird. Sure I love my brother but I don't love my brother. I eventually make my way to the room with one of my close friends Sawyer by my side. I swing open the door to see Alexa Maybury already sat on one of the double beds inside. I take a look around to see that there are only two double beds- I don't mind sharing with Sawyer, we've been friends for long enough- she was one of the only people in my corner at the time of the 'incest twin' rumour. She knew it wasn't true because she was the one making out with Isaac, not me; but that's a whole other story.

"So I assumed you'd want to share" Alexa says smoothing out her long, straight blonde hair. She's basically the taller, flirtier, faker version of me. By now you can probably tell I don't like the girl. When I was deciding whether or not to step down as head cheerleader, Alexa was a shoe in for the next head cheerleader, she could do all the same tricks and stunts as I could but I guess she didn't have the personality to pull it off. Coach asked me to help pick the next captain and I, of course, recommended Sawyer, the girl who's never been afraid to speak her mind and put other people in their place. Well, Alexa caught wind of my 'betrayal' (as she put it) and immediately told the entire school that she's seek her revenge some day. I'm still waiting on that 'revenge' but lets just say I wouldn't put anything past her. She could push me down a slope to my death for all I know.

"Yeah that's fine with me" I say keeping my guard up. I'm going to have to sleep with my eyes open for the next two weeks.

"Yeah totally" Sawyer smiles. Sawyer is actually Minnesotan herself- she was born and raised in the Gopher State itself. She moved to Cali when her dad got a job offer some 5 years ago but she still knows this place like the back of her hand.

"Well I have to get ready" Alexa says standing up and walking into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

"She's such a bitch." Sawyer groans, lying down on the vacant bed. "She thinks she's queen bee around here."

"I know S but we should just leave her to do her thing" I shrug throwing my bag onto the bed next to her. "We don't want her to 'seek revenge' on you too" I laugh.

"Don't even get me started on that" She says sitting up, a few strands of her shortish brown hair sticking up from the friction of the cheap pillows. She straightens her black framed glasses slightly and runs a hand through her hair once before opening her mouth to speak again. "So we're having dinner downstairs in 10 minutes. Do you wanna go now or unpack?"

"Now, we can unpack at anytime. Maybe we can try and get in Newbie's good books and see if we can get Alexa transferred to another room." I say with a small laugh.

"I think that's the least of your worries" We both turn our heads sharply at the sound of Alexa's voice. "Look I think we need to sort things out between us. I get why you picked Sawyer to be head cheerleader, I really do. She deserved it. I guess I was just mad that you get everything you want and everything just magically goes your way-"

"That's far from right-" I interrupt.

"I want to be friends. I don't want to seek my revenge on you anymore. That was so lame of me to say." She says with a slight laugh.

"We can be friends" I shrug. "Just as long as you don't push me down any slopes this week."

"Trust me, I don't want to do that." Alexa says completely deadpan. I don't know whether to trust her but she seems sincere enough.

"Come on, lets go to dinner. I hear there's some hotties on this trip."

(A/N: happy thanksgiving!! (even though I don't celebrate it because I'm British) I'm so grateful for all of you )

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