How beautiful! Gently sinking into the water. Only you can have that privilege can't you? To slowly sink into the calm water. To come back every time, to be needed. Please sun...share some of your strength with me.

"David!" I look in the direction of the voice and see Diane and Alex cheerfully running to me.
"David." She hugs me.
"How long have you been here?" Alex asks squinting from the rays of the sun settling on his eyes.
"A couple of hours." I reply with a smile.
"It's okay David. Don't force yourself, Mia told us what happened." Diane says patting my back and suddenly I feel so hurt. I feel the pain in my heart more than ever.

"You're still going back?" Alex asks wide eyed.
"I have to get my clothes." I tell him walking in the direction of Kris's house.
"Where will you stay afterwards?" He asks again.
"With me." Diane answers strongly.
"It's okay. I can stay at my house. The rent is still very cheap there and most of my stuff are there." I tell them both before they start arguing.
"As you like." Diane tells me, "Don't be late." They wave a bye to me and get into Alex's car.
I won't be. I'll be real quick.

I'm standing in front of his house for the last time. It feels so lonely. No David, don't think of feelings. Just take your stuff and leave. I hesitantly stretch out my hand and knock.
"David." April opens the door and hugs me.
"Yeah." I tell her returning the hug.
"Kris told me you're leaving, you even quit your job. Why?"
"For several reasons." I faintly give her a smile and walk to gather my things.
"Why don't you tell her David?" Kris comes with long arrogant strides from the kitchen, "Huh? Tell her why you're quitting."
"Because I want to." I tell April while glaring at Kris.
"Tsk! Say the truth. Why don't you?" His annoying voice asks me and I ignore him gathering my stuff. "Speak up! Why don't you say the truth David? Don't be shy! Say it! SPEAK!"
"FINE!" I shout turning to face April, "fine, April, I...I love Kris." I declare, to which her eyes slightly widen, "I fell in love with him not knowing he had a girlfriend. But even after I did find out. I stayed, I hoped he would fall in love with me and leave you. But....I can't do this. I can't stand in the way of both of you. So I'm leaving now....." I slightly look at Kris, "While I can...............I'm sorry." I say picking up my bags and going to the door.
"David wait!" April stops me, "it's okay." She says giving me a hug, "I'm glad you told me. But I can't let you leave just like this, I feel like we became please could you do me a favor? I won't force you to stay because I know it hurts. But, please just do one thing for me. Tomorrow we're going camping in the evening, please come with us. Bring your friends too. Please." She looks at me, "Stay with us for the last time. Please."
My eyes wander from her to Kris, who's sitting on the stairs looking at me with fierce eyes.
"Okay." I tell her and she embraces me tightly, "goodnight." I grab my bags and the door shuts behind me. Okay.....I will see you Kris, for the last time. I will say my goodbyes and leave tomorrow. I hope I'll never see you again.

I get into a taxi and tell him my address, normally I would walk, I wouldn't care how many hours it'd take........but right now, I just wanna go home.

Upon my quick arrival, I texted Alex and Diane telling them about tomorrow's camping. They protested at first but eventually gave in. I can't wait for tomorrow to end. So I could finally forget him. I don't need you Kris, I never had feelings for anyone before and lived fine. I don't need them, feelings and relationships, it's too troublesome.

I tighten the laces of my boots, grab my backpack and jacket, and run downstairs. Alex and Diane are waiting.

"Took you long enough." Diane smirks as I enter Alex's car.
"Sorry, I overslept."
"You know there's a type of technology called 'alarm'..." Diane makes fun of me.
"Diane, calm your tits. She's here now." Alex says from his seat before driving.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum