Kevin just shook his head as I took my next shot. "Wait, why does she hate Kirstie?" he asked

"Oh, she's just jealous. She hasn't quite said it but I think she's intimidated by her."

"Oh, I see!" 

"I mean... Kit is a beautiful girl, I'd be jealous" I joked taking another shot. Kevin stayed quiet. I could tell he was deep in thought as we finished up the game and re-racked. "What's on your mind Kevy-Boy?" I asked taking a swig of my beer.

"You like Kirstie?" he asked

"I love Kirstie" I shrugged 



"C'mon Bro..."

"What?" I laughed... I tried not to think about Kirstie that way. I used to think of Kirstie that way... a lot... But I grew up, got over her, figured she was out of my league anyway, found Amber... From there I realized I had to keep a safe platonic distance from Kirstie or I might do something I regret. I'm not quite ready to start thinking about her that way now... She would probably never see me that way... and I can be happy with that.

"Whatever Bro!" Kev gave up, "But hey... Kirstie's my friend too... so be careful, man." he punched my arm.

"Of course!" I had NO Idea what I was going to do about this...

Kirstie's POV

Mitch and Scott where on their way out for the night. I'm glad they came over. Scott stopped and turned around to whisper to me. "Hey... Do you like Avi?" he said getting serious for a second.

"Scott C'mon!" I scoffed

"You're Tomato red."

"Oh I don't know!" I huffed giving in. "maybe..." I crossed my arms.

"Okay." He said kissing my forehead "we'll talk about this later." and with that he left.

1 Week Later

There's a knock at my door. Should be the Pizza I ordered. I opened the door and there was Avi Kaplan holding a box of pizza. "Hey, are you busy?" he asked pushing past me.

"Umm hi Avi" I said closing the door behind him. "No I'm not busy... is that my pizza?"

"Oh yea, I paid the kid." He said putting the box down. "Hey Boy!" He cooed as Olaf ran to greet him. He got on the floor and rolled around playfully with the dog giving kisses and all. I couldn't help but remember the way Amber reacted to Olaf last week... Speaking of Amber, why was he here.

"So umm... why are you here?" I asked

"Oh huh I'm sorry I probably should have called first but I just dropped Amber off at the Air port she's gonna be out of town for a few days." he said getting up, "I uh figured I'd stop by and see what your up to... you don't mind right?"

"No of course not!" I smiled "Take a seat" He took the box over to the couch and I came back with a case of beers. He was already working on his first slice practically shoving the entire thing into his mouth. He was finished within seconds, cracked open a beer and downed the whole thing. "Ya ok, buddy?" I said patting his shoulder. He just chuckled at me.

"I don't know what to do" he sighed laying back on the couch.

"about what?"


"oh... why do you want to break up with Amber?"

"We just shouldn't be together" he started "We shouldn't have moved in together, we're all wrong for each other, and it's just basically over... I've just got to do it."

"So do it!" I said punching his arm.

"Hey! C'mon I don't want to talk about her! Let's just watch a movie." So we finished the pizza and Olaf snuggled up with us on the couch as we watched The Blind Side... because it was on... Towards the end Avi's phone started to ring.

"shit..." he said looking at the screen "Hey Amber" he said. I turned the volume down on the TV. He said a couple short sentences to her on the phone, clearly annoyed. Something got Olaf's attention outside the window and he started to bark. Avi's eyes got big ad I desperately tried to shush him. I guess he wasn't telling Amber he was with me tonight.

"That was Olaf I'm at Kirstie's" I could hear her voice getting louder on the other line.

"Because I'm a grown man Amber, and can go where I want!" He exploded. I couldn't hear what she was saying but I'm sure they weren't compliments to my character. "I'm gonna call you back ok." he hung up.

"I am so sorry!" I said 

"No! No! Don't be sorry its whatever!" He sighed "But I should get going." 

"Ok then, well thanks for hanging out with me." I said wrapping arms around him for a short hug. He gave me a squeeze. As he released me, his face lowered down to mine and suddenly he was kissing me. 

I was frozen.

He stepped back quickly and looked at me, shook his head and then said "Ok bye" and walked out the door.

 As soon as the door closed, there was another knock. I reached for the doorknob and Avi shoved his way in wrapping his arms around my waist and and pressing his mouth to mine. I couldn't help but moan at the feeling. My hands found his neck, as he moved his lips over mine and pulled my body flush up against his own. One hand found the back of my head and I felt his breath on my face as he let out a low grunt. I felt the tip of his tongue graze my lower lip and then force its way in massaging my own.

Something vibrated and then rang... is phone. We literally jumped apart and just stared into each others eyes. He stepped backwards and wordlessly left the room.

A/N: And Boom goes the dynamite.

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