Chapter number unknown

167 3 4

Pov Louis

I enter the mansion and hear the blaring of the T.V.

Why would the T.v. be on, when noone is at home?

I peek into the Television room. On the screen of the T.V. there are two girls talking, one with red hair and one with black. Armand probably forgot to turn the t.v off.

Just then someone laughs and I jump. I was not expecting that at all!

"I'm Cece Jones from Shake it Up and this is Disney Channel." Someone says and the show is back on.

I sit down, expecting Leontine to be there.

To my horror, Claudia is sitting there, laughing her little curly head off.

"What?" I scream.

She yelps and screetches,"Lewey!!! What are you doing here?"

I point at the T.V.,"Watching T.V., duh." I add in some as they say nowadays 'swagger'.

"Don't you dare tell ANYONE!" She screams, hitting me with her tinsy hands.

I start to laugh like a lunatic.

Just then the door bangs open,"LESTAT!!!!!!"

Three stomps and Lestat is at the door.

"Leontine is gone!!!"

"I know!" Claudia sing songs.

Lestat looks at her,"Don't you know what this means?"

"Nope!" Claudia smiles, "Eveyone hated her anyway."

I stare at Claudia...I thought they were friends!

"" Lestat yells.

I stare at him, what?

Just then Lestats mother and Armand enter the room.

"It's true, she was my daughter." his mother sighs.

Armand cackles.

"You, will pay for making my sister run away!" Lestat runs at Claudia.

Ah...and now we are back at the begginig.

Lestat vs. Claudia

Who will kill who?



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